Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“What gives purpose, what gives flavor and value to life? It’s the inner contact we are able to establish with the Supreme Satguru. So, we have to get to to this intensity of love for the Supreme Being, for our Satguru that allows us to say this with all sincerity “My life has value when You are there and you aren’t there my life worth nothing”. That means that we cherish so much the perception of this Holy Presence, the beauty that prevails when the Beloved is present and the ugliness that is there when He is absent. Of course we amuse ourselves to many things in life, but as far as this source of joy and outer pleasure have a meaning for us that it means we still have a long way to go. It’s ok to be happy with life, but our real longing and yearning it has to be constantly directed towards attracting into our perception, into our life this Holy Presence.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“All the great Masters have been great lovers of God. That’s how you get to this Divine Realization, just through this very intense love. So, how do we realize God? By developing this very intense love for Him. So, that’s the way, that’s the only way. And when one has the good luck of falling madly in love with God then he’s already Realized. Realization is this, having this very intense love for God. Obviously to have this intense love for God you have to be in touch with Him, you have to experience what God is. As far as it becomes an unknown factor for us can’t love Him. We begin to love Him as we manifest Him within ourselves as we tune in with this Divine Presence. And there is no better way for this than tuning in to God through a living Master.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“There is no better luck in this world than tuning in with the Divinity, Divine Presence manifested in a human pole.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“You don’t get to control your mind unless you do a very intense spiritual practice. That’s the only way. Otherwise the mind is a wild horse, running wild. It’s only with discipline, with patient daily practice and by exposing ourselves from time to time to situations like retreats that we succeed to gain a certain control over our thoughts and our mind. There is no other way really.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The process of manifestation goes from One to many. Spreading endlessly to the Infinite. The process of unity, going back to unity is just the opposite. From the many we have to go back to the One. So, inside of us there are so many forces working. Forces from the mind, from the senses, desires, pleasures, which spread us all around. This process makes us ever more miserable until we reach a point of desperation, because we have no peace whatsoever. So, we have to revert inside, gather ourselves, stop wandering outside and find point of focus where we fully concentrate. So, has to isolate ourselves from the sensory perception, stilling the mind, so that this thinking process smooth down and eventually stops. And when it stops that’s where the beauty begins, that’s where the bliss comes into play. That’s when the inner door opens and we begin seeing the Divine Light. And if we focus ourselves completely on this Light then it becomes very bright and pulls us out of the body into the Beyond. Beyond this physical body, beyond this physical world, into a world, which is made of Light.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We all have our limits, we all have our potential, but we should not be limited by our limits. We should try to broaden them, to break them and make them wider. To break our limits that’s the aim of a spiritual life. Maulana Rumi says “Make your last better than your first.” Means don’t come to the end time of your life by being as you were in the beginning. Try to come to the end time of your life being a better being that has broken limits. Otherwise we live for nothing! If we leave this world just as we were when we came in then it was useless living. We have to make this life successful and we make it successful by coming at the end of this life not being the same or even worse than what we were when we came in this life. We make it successful if we come to the end being better.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“You always want a reason, an object, something that comes from outside in order to be happy. But the real happiness is that happiness that comes directly from Your Divine perception from nothing outside. That’s the real wealth when you don’t need anything and you are just ecstatic, blissful. But we are given gifts, you are given grace and then we have to give proof that we really appreciate this, we have to be honest with what we have been given, we have to be grateful and do our own part. Because if we spent everything to be given to us for free that is not fair, then we are not honest. God awakens us to this Divine Presence then we have to do our best to keep it alive, to make it grow, to make it more intense and this is what we do though our spiritual practice. By attending Satsang, by doing our daily meditation, by doing our Simran during the day, trying to be tuned in as much as possible. This will keep us alive in a good way. Otherwise we are alive anyway, but in a bad way, in a unworthy way. We can have a life, which is worth living and we can have a life, which is no worthy living. So, we have to choose what kind of life we want to have.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In order to tune in with the roar of Naam our perception has to become subtle and the blessing has to descend upon us. The two things go together, the perception becomes subtle when His blessing descends upon us. Of course, there are means by which we may help making subtle our perception. The spiritual practice are meant for this to increase our receptivity, to make our perception subtle. So, when we sing beautiful songs our perception enhances, comes more open or subtle. Practically comes in a certain expansion of consciousness and by this we become more receptive to the Master Power, to His Holy presence. That’s why Master Kirpal used to say “The singing of Bhajans is meant for improving your receptivity”. So, when we become receptive then we may tune in with this roar of Naam. What is this roar of Naam? It is this Divine Power that permeates all creation, it is the Divine Light, it is the Divine Sound. And when we tune in with it then meditation happens spontaneously.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What is Truth? What is Reality? What is Love? They are all aspects of the same Supreme Reality. And in order to realize this Reality, to make it our own we need to gone beyond this mind, beyond this sensory perception, expand our consciousness, make it vast, beyond the boundary of this human body and become one with this Ocean of Light, which is also Love, which is also Truth, which is also Reality. And it’s consciousness. It’s a super conscious Reality. There is consciousness and there is super consciousness. There soul and there is Universal soul. These two have to become One, if you want to get out this cage of physicality, if you want to get out from this physical plane, which is a physical imprisonment. Out of the cage into the expansion of the Universe.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In this physical world we fly with airplanes, helicopters, these and that, in the inner planes we fly on the sweet wings of the Divine Light. And that flying it’s very quick, in a moment you might find yourself on the other side of the Universe or you may find yourself up to Sach Khand, the region of Truth. So, these kind of flight is what we want to learn. Normally people experiences kind of flight when they die, when they leave this world at the time of death. Rarely you find anybody who has this kind of experience while still alive in a human body. That’s why Masters say “Learn to die so that you may begin to live” or you can say “Learn to die so that you may begin to fly”. “

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Sunraise and sunset are very auspicious moments for sitting down doing the devotion, praying, asking, wanting His love and yearning for one of His glimpses.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The union with our Source is what everyone is seeking for whether one is aware of it or not. Because that is in the nature of things. Everything in this Universe wants to unite with its origin. So, our soul also wants to unite with the Oversoul and we will never find any peace until we actualize this. We should be wise and cooperate with this process that life puts us in and try to make it easy and not difficult.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“As Master Kirpal used to say “We have to develop a ruling passion for God”. Everybody has a ruling passion for everything, but God. But a spiritual seekers should develop a ruling passion for God. That’s the only way we can achieve this Supreme Being, this Supreme Reality. Because it’s a very precious, it’s a very sublime condition and as everything, which is precious you don’t get it without working hard. So, if you want to come any close to this Supreme Being then we have to manifest and show that really wanting above everything. “

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We all should pray to our Satguru to come sometime, to bless us sometime, to keep the love, to make our weeping heart laugh, to give us joy, joy of living, a happy life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should pray constantly our Ishta Deva to please remove all the obstacles, make our life a happy event in which we spread happiness all around.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The practice we do, the singing of holy songs is so good, because it calms down our mind and when our mind is calm then we can meditate on Naam and we can get the Supreme happiness.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We, human beings are made with these three aspects, we have a body, we have a mind and we have a soul, spirit, consciousness. So, a complete human being is the one who experiences Himself/Herself at these three levels.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should always trust life, we should always trust God and understand that even if you are so small and we can’t see the complexity the whole project, yet there is a project, which is going towards the betterment of the whole planet, of the whole humanity and we’ll have to let it happen.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“There is a Supreme intelligence that governs all life and moves everything according to well established plan. Very difficult to understand this plan from our point of view, but there is a plan, which is Divine, is very huge, which involves the whole Universe and it goes the way it is meant to go, whether we recognize, we accept or we fight with it, yet it has to go the way it goes. Very difficult when we are in a situation to understand the complexity of the whole plan, which is so much above the limited time we are living. But yet it has a complete, perfect plan and it’s meant for the evolution for all of us and nobody can stay behind. We all have to evolve gradually towards to a destination.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We may come with a certain attitude in life, whichever it is, but we have to try to improve it. And how do we improve it? We improve it with right knowledge, with the right company and right philosophy of life. The things that mostly helps us it’s always the company we keep.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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