Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“Trust towards life, trust in God is what frees us from fear. People are so afraid of everything, because they don’t have any trust in life, they don’t have any trust in God, they don’t even believing God, many. So, in that mental condition one is very lonely in this world and when you are lonely, you feel afraid. And it’s all made up by ourselves, by our believes, by we think about life. If you have trust then we get help, if you don’t have any trust then we make a hell of our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“All what is about spiritual practice whether it be repetition of Simran, singing of Bhajans or trying to go within penetrating through the dark veil and meeting the Light, all of these has to be done with Love. Sant Ji used to say “Do your meditation with Love, because it will work only if you do it with Love. Don’t understand it as a burden, because then it won’t work.” So, a spiritually inclined person, a person how likes to coming touch with the Divine Power finds a great pleasure in doing these practices, because they enhance the perception towards the Holy Presence. And for a spiritually inclined person life is worthwhile only when one feels the Holy Presence, because that gives a flavour to life, which otherwise we don’t find anywhere.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We sit in meditation to tune in by His Grace with the roar of Naam. Naam is that all-pervading, creative Power of God. It is that Supreme energy that manifest all this universe. So, we want to tune in with this Naam Power, which is God-into-expression-Power, because it’s by tuning in with this Divine power that we may go back to our source.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we sit in meditation we want to activate the Third Eye. This Third Eye is not a physical organ, but it’s a spiritual one. Actually it’s the eye of the attention. And the attention is according to Master Kirpal the outer expression of the soul. Means how does the soul express itself in us human beings. Attentions is what makes alive everything. If you are attentive about anything we do then we are alive, we are experiencing something. If we are not attentive then is like being death, we don’t relate to life, we are always elsewhere far from where we are. How does the mind express itself in us? Thru thinking. And this thinking is that barrier, that wall that impedes us to open the third eye, means to activate fully the attention and go very deeply into ourselves, into our real self, which is a non physical reality.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We have to face our dark side and we have to transform it from dark make it luminous, make it bright. So, this is a process. We fall in love with the Master, we fall in love with the Path, we understand that that’s the way, which will transform us, then we go through the process. So, then we don’t step back! We have understood what we want to do, we know it’s not easy, because we are difficult beings, we face ourselves, we accept the process.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we are on a spiritual Path, if we are on a quest for Truth, if we are trying to improve our life and make it as good as possible the company of the Master is the best, the most effective factor.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Giving the right importance to those things that are so beneficial for our improvement, for our growth, for becoming better human beings it’s a must, it’s a duty for all of those who are seeking Truths, who are seeking improvements in their life. And to give value to those things, which God has granted to us as a helping factor for growing spiritually it’s a must.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Any talking, even the most inspiring talking that we do is nothing comparison with the talking that comes from silence. That comes when we are tuned in with God’s presence. The most enlightening words are nothing in comparison. So, eventually God is peace, God is silence and in silence God talks to us. But not just silence from noises or from words, inner silence from thoughts.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Thinking is a cruel enemy that makes us worry, anxious, always being elsewhere then where we actually are, because thinking is always about the past and about the future, never about now. So, don’t think of anything, stop thinking. Just think about the One, who has created the thinking.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Masters always invite us to try to raise above the thinking process. The mind is a helping factor to a certain point then it becomes a great impediment. It’s a helping factor for understanding certain things, but when we get stuck into the mind and we don’t go beyond then it’s an impediment, it’s a great wall. And all the spiritual practices, all the traditions it’s all meant for this. Transcending the mind.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we sing the praises of God, when we open our heart to the Holy presence of God then our vibratory level raises up. And we find ourselves feeling lighter, more expanded, more alive, more conscious, more present. This helps making silence within ourselves, silence in the mind.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we are in the ordinary state of consciousness, we are the separated ones. We are in duality, we are stuck in time and space. When we become united by the grace of God then we become One. We overcome duality and step out of time and space. What does it mean to step out of time and space? We know what time is! Time is before now and after, so it means there is no before, there is no after, there is just being at all possible times at the same time, which is completely mind blowing. And what is to be out of space? Means that you are everywhere at the same time and this even more mind blowing. So, it’s difficult for we, ordinary human beings to understand what it is Divine Dimension, which is beyond all these limitations. We just have to experience it to know and understand it. And there are two ways to experience it. Either we die or we go deep into meditation and we experience the process of dying while living. That’s what meditation is all about. Learning how to die while we are alive. And that’s the greatest experience human beings may have. Transcending physical consciousness, transcending the thinking mind and going beyond.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“How do we donate our life to our Master? By consecrating all of our life to our Master and to His work! So, how do we consecrate all of our life to our Master? By doing in our life whatever our destiny is, whatever position we are putting life, bringing His Light, His Love and His Service to whosoever we meet in our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When our heart, soul and mind will be saturated with Supreme Love then we are very near to Divinity, to Sach Khand, to the Supreme Truth.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It is very important to keep the sweet remembrance of the Master. Because this is a Path of love and go to God mainly because of the intense love, which we might develop.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Let’s try our best to find of our joy, peace of living within ourselves and not always into something else that comes from outside.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When the blessing comes then it is very easy to be at peace. It’s a gift, it is just given for free from the Supreme Being. But the blessing is not there always, so we have to generate it ourselves. So, how do we generate this blessing, this blissful state? When we take Initiation we are given a blessing, Initiation it’s a blessing and we are also taught how to generate this blessing within ourselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“As you think so you become, that’s how it goes. Therefore it is so important to acquire self-control over our thoughts.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Swami Ji Maharaj has said that whoever became perfect in this world first of all had to go to the Master and surrender his body, mind, wealth and everything at the feet of the Master; and by doing the meditation according to the instructions of the Master and by sacrificing everything for the Master, then he became the Perfect One. Within such a disciple the Master also sits, carrying all the prosperities and riches. Kabir Sahib has also said that the difference between the philosopher’s stone and the Master is this: that the philosopher’s stone can only turn iron into gold, whereas the Master can make His disciple a Master.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Each man has to cast off the mortal raiment in a manner predestined and preordained by past karmas, viz. by disease or accident. Death cannot befall any one before it is due. Then why worry? We may not know as to how we will meet death, by disease or by accident, but one thing is certain, if the sweet remembrance of the Lord exists at the time, we will have a peaceful death, as the Master’s presence will be overhead. The only thing that is required is to have sweet remembrance of the Lord at all times.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh
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