This magazine is meant to share the Love, Light, Wisdom and Grace that emanates from such a beautiful and extraordinary person like Master Sirio - about whom it received its name.
Satguru Sirio Ji is a spiritual teacher from Italy whose name in Italian means Sirius.
He’s among those really rare and unique beings that are truly authentic and represent something very elevated in life, something that is beyond words.
A great source of inspiration who offers his wisdom in a selfless way to everyone.
So please receive it with gratitude and due appreciation!
Introduction | April 2024
Dear Readers,
This is the 1st Volume of Sirius Magazine that is meant to be an inspiration for the spiritually inclined.
The magazine received its name after Satguru Sirio Ji, who is the greatest person I have ever met in my life. He’s a spiritual teacher from Italy whose name in Italian means Sirius. He’s among those really rare and unique beings that are truly authentic and represent something very elevated in life, something that is beyond words. A great source of inspiration who offers his wisdom in a selfless way to everyone.
Guru means “dispeller of darkness” or with other words the light (torch) that leads out of darkness. (Gu in Sanskrit means “darkness” Ru means “dispeller”/”torch”.) Sirio, or Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky - this is a fact which I always found very symbolic.
This magazine is meant to share the Love, Light, Wisdom and Grace that emanates from such a beautiful and extraordinary person like Master Sirio.
What he offers to the people is real and everyday spirituality in its purest form, a yoga direction that is for all, called Surat Shabd Yoga, Nada Yoga or Sant mat, the Way of the Saints. Master Sirio conveys the Philosophy of the Masters for everyone in such a natural way, as the Sun shines on the sky. So if you are seeking for complicated spiritual practice and hidden secrets, this is not what you are looking for as all deep secrets of life are dispelled by the words of wisdom of Satguru Sirio, just as the fog is dispelled by the rays of the morning sun.
This 1st Volume is also meant as an introduction, the beginning of something new that hasn’t been before in this form. If I wanted to be honest, I could also say, a first experiment. Hopefully with every new volume that you can read, the initial experiment gets nearer to perfection. Though it doesn’t matter much if the form is perfect or not, what matters is that it offers you a new source of inspiration on the long journey towards realizing Truth.
We wish to be your companion in this spiritual endeavor and therefore publish the Sirius magazine 4 times a year in the beginning. Later on, it might become more frequent.
To conclude this preface, I would like to thank my companion in this experiment, Tony Anderson for his perseverance in going to the end with me and for making it possible to happen. Without Tony, you couldn’t read these lines now.
Above all, I would like to thank Master Sirio for inspiring the realization of this magazine and for the support he gives us in an invisible way.
Dorottya Fary
Sant Bani Ashram Association

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