The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“The real seeker of Truth is not afraid to facing life. He is capable of going through it, face it and win the battle. And mind you when you are seeking of Truth the challenges might be even more acute, more strong than when you are just living an ordinary life. Because you are meant to become a super human, not just an ordinary human. But don’t be afraid you are always trust that God is at your side and will always gives you the strength to face and win.”
“The purpose of spiritual life is to live a peaceful, joyful life in communion with God and share with others this joy. Then this will give us the strength to face the challenges of life. Because life is full of challenges, but challenges are good, because they are training ground on which we are trained to become strong people. With no challenges, no strength. So, it’s very important to face challenges in life, that’s why God gives us challenges. Because He wants us to become strong people. But we don’t have to allow these challenges to make ourselves crumble up. We have to be the winners. Whichever challenge comes in life it’s a challenge to make our spiritual muscles strong. So, we face it with courage, with bravery and we try to become always stronger and stronger by any challenge.”
“Let’s try to be such people who do their best to uplift their life, their consciousness, to experience as much as possible this Divine reality and eventually wherever we reach, wherever we get let’s just be very happy with it.”
“We should develop the attitude of contentment. Happy with what I have, happy with what I have been given and I am given. Why should I have more? If God gives me this much then I’m happy with this.”
“The Path to the Divine is a Path of love. The Master is the one that loves us first, then we love Him in return. And this generates more and more this love, which becomes so intense as intense as God is. Because God eventually is just love. From this our perspective might seem difficult to accept, because so many troubles in this world, which were created by this God. But eventually once we raise above this body, this world, this mind then what is left? It is just love. On the other side the Supreme juice, what they call Amrit it is just love.”
“On this Path having a Master is the greatest blessing. Maulana Rumi used to say “Don’t go on this Path without a guide, without a Master. You won’t succeed, simply.” Because we need somebody to start the fire. A lighted candle may light up so many other candles. If there is not a lighted candle no other candle can be lighted. And it’s a matter of transmission. Spirituality is a matter of transmission. There must be somebody that transmits it to us, to conveys it to us, it’s a gift. So, we have to be humble and seek the help somebody who can help. And keep sticking to that somebody, seek His company all your life, always whenever possible meditate with that person that will make your spiritual adventure successful.”
“If we try to come in touch with the Light within us then it will pull us upwards. And the more we go upwards the more blissful we will be, the more intoxicated we will be, the more wonderful we will feel. So, we have to make an effort in this direction, because what goes downwards it easily goes, what goes upwards it doesn’t go easily, we have to really work for it. But this work and efforts are well paid, there is a reward. And the reward is that we are transformed from common human beings into Divine beings, from beings of darkness into beings of Light.”
“People understand that they are happy when they enjoy sensual pleasures, because that’s what they know, most of the people. But for that you have to pay a price all the time, always. Nothing is given for free. And when we push anything to an extreme what we get is just the opposite. So, a sober life, with no going into extremes is the way of the wise people. Not exaggerating with anything, midway.”
“Whenever there is a problem, whenever there is a difficult situation we have to try to learn from it. Whenever we make a mistake we try not to repeat it to change for the better. I know it’s not easy, but we have to keep trying.”
“We don’t want to be those kind of people who are focusing on the bad side of things, but good people who focus on the good side of life and try to focus on that, because as we think so we become. So let’s always try to see the good side of things, because it’s always there. The thing is if you think that everything is bad then we feel bad. If you think there is a lot of goodness in this world, so much beauty, the creation is very beautiful, because it is a manifestation of the Divine and we should try to find out this Divine in everything we become in touch with, everything we see. And we should choose for our life just what is good as much as possible and give up what is bad, because we don’t want to suffer.”
“Beyond thinking mind and beyond sensory perception we are consciousness. At the base of everything there is consciousness. So, we are an individualized consciousness. And the goal of our existence is to merge with the universal consciousness.”
“What gives purpose to life is that at some point in time you have given the grace to experience something Superior, something Divine. A Divine perception, which brings a Divine intoxication, a Divine bliss, a Divine ecstasy. Then we understand that life has a purpose. That all these troubles of life, these problems that we all face they have a purpose if you are able to experience that kind of sacred presence, otherwise no purpose, useless life.”
“What makes a place holy? What makes a situation holy, sacred? It is when something higher descends upon us, when special atmosphere created, when our consciousness is expanded, it’s deepened. Where we perceive something different, which is not just coming from body, senses and mind, but it’s a spiritual perception, something that goes beyond body, senses and mind. So, that’s what makes something holy, sacred. When we are able by the grace of God or by the presence of living Satguru to experience something deeper, more profound, more fulfilling, when our consciousness is uplifted. Otherwise place is just a place, body is just a body, a person is just a person. What makes a person special is just this capacity to perceive something higher, something more profound, something Divine.”
“A building, a house or body we keep it clean, we keep washing it. If you don’t wash it then it becomes filthy, not nice, you don’t like it anymore, nobody likes it. So, if you want it clean you have to clean it. The same is with our consciousness, our psyche, our spirit. We have to keep cleaning it, we have to keep it sharp, luminous. How do we do it? By meditating, that’s how we do it! You take a cloth, you clean a mirror, take off the dust then you see yourself clearly otherwise you don’t see, you don’t reflect. So, if you want this heart of yours to reflect the infinite nature of God you have to keep it clean always. And how do you clean it? By chasing away all these garbage of thoughts that we have. So, how do you do it? Meditation and by keep repeating the mantra in your head all day long and don’t think of useless things. So much better to repeat the Mantra, it will charge you up, because as you think so you become.”
“The Supreme Being enjoys Himself projecting Himself endlessly. That is His play, that is His will, that is how it’s meant to be. Why does a father, mother generate children? Because it’s a way of projecting yourself into these children. It’s a continuation of yourself. So, that is the same process. This Supreme Being, call it Supreme Father if you want in this case or Supreme Mother wants to see Himself / Herself / Itself call it the way you like projected endlessly, because that’s His infinite nature. So, He wants to project Himself endlessly and that is His play, that is the way He enjoys Himself, seeing Himself in this infinite way.”
“Morning is beautiful time, it’s fresh, it’s peaceful. According to Ayurveda, morning is the Vata period, is the period in which ether and air dominate as elements. Therefore it is the most spiritual atmosphere, the most peaceful. In India they call it “Amrit Velā”, which means the time of ambrosia. It’s the time in which night meets the day, so it is a birth, it is a new day coming into life. Therefore there is a special atmosphere just like when some other life is brought into this world. So it is the most auspicious for sitting in meditation and a real true seeker of Truth will never let any morning go by without getting up, refresh oneself and peacefully sit down, sing the praises of God, and then turn within and try to commune with the Holy Presence as much as one can, as much as one is allowed. So, who is a real seeker of Truth, who is a real follower of the Guru? The one who does this! Gets up every morning and sits down for a couple of hours and sings and praises and meditates on the Supreme Reality.”
“What makes you into a lover of God? It is the practice that you do, the amount of meditation that you do, the amount of service that you do for your Guru that’s what makes you into a Holy Men.”
“The living Master is the removal of darkness. Why it is so? Because first of all He has removed His own darkness. He has made a clear vision, He has had a real experience of transcendental reality. And when we come into His field and we listen to His words and we spend time with Him or Her then there is an atmosphere there that uplifts our consciousness and we are thrown upwards according to the degree that we may reach each one of us.”
“Whosoever has been a Seeker of Truth and looking here, there and everywhere trying to find a reason for life, an explanation why we are here, what is the purpose of life, where do we come from, where will we go when we leave this world, this body and has been sincerely looking for Truth. If eventually finds place, somebody that uplifts Him or Her above all this confusion and by approaching the person has an Inner Experience of the transcendental Reality, which goes above body, mind and senses then obviously this person become very attached to that place and to that person where this clarifying experience has happened.”
“Whosoever has been a Seeker of Truth and looking here, there and everywhere trying to find a reason for life, an explanation why we are here, what is the purpose of life, where do we come from, where will we go when we leave this world, this body and has been sincerely looking for Truth. If eventually finds place, somebody that uplifts Him or Her above all this confusion and by approaching the person has an Inner Experience of the transcendental Reality, which goes above body, mind and senses then obviously this person become very attached to that place and to that person where this clarifying experience has happened.”