Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“So, we seek refuge at the Satguru. Satguru is like a shelter that protects us from so many dangers of life.
Master Kirpal used to say: “When you going to the refuge of the Master the most painful situations will be turned into easy ones.” Just because of being under His protection.
So, this is one of the reasons why also we human beings should go to Satguru, because of this protection., we need protection. Why do we need protection? Because our mind is taking us astray all the time and causing so many troubles to us, leading us in directions, which are not healthy and which are not for our ultimate good.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Life is constant movement, pushing us forward whether we like it or not, whether we want to or not. But if we co-operate then it’s so much easier. If we don’t, then it’s through suffering that we are pushed forward, but if we co-operate then we don’t need to suffer.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s only by the grace of the Supreme Satguru that our boats, even if they are capsized may go across.
Life is not easy, it’s rather difficult and to float of the waters of life is not simple. It’s very rare that somebody is capable of flowing with life, do His or Her spiritual practice regularly and keep the boat straight up.
So, we face many difficulties, which makes difficult for us to keep doing our spiritual practice and flow constantly with life and find the inner contact with the Inner Light.
Therefore we need Satguru to help us, to face the difficulties of life and keep inspiring us to do our spiritual practice, which is the only thing that it’s going to make it easy.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We need a man who has realized the Truth and through His life is able to give an example of the ideal life. This has an effect, because we want examples. We are always looking for examples. He may inspire us. That is what changes us, gives us the input, the strength to do something better with our lives. Examples are the best thing in life to help us strive and make an effort to improve ourselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s only through meditation we may achieve the union of the individual self with the Overself. For doing so we have to go beyond whatever we understand to be ourselves, which is this body mainly, the sensory perception that we have and the thinking process that despite of us keeps happening. So, once we go beyond the physical body, the sensory perception, which corresponds somehow to the astral body and the thinking process, which corresponds somehow to the causal body then we may achieve union with Supreme Light.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The Path is not understood through reasoning and through a logical sequence of cause and effect; it doesn’t work like that. The Path is basically something we have to experience, not analyse with the mind. With the mind, we can never understand the Path.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“I wish you all to be independent — independent of your body, independent of your outgoing faculties, independent of your mind, independent of your intellect. Dependence is a heinous crime.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Thoughts are very potent.

You ask, “If somebody says something against us, what should we do?”

Blood cannot be washed away with blood.

There is Water of Life required to wash it away.

If anybody thinks ill of you, just for a while consider calmly whether what he thinks – is there any truth in it? Examine your own self. If there is anything, be thankful to him.

You see, either the enemy will tell you something which is not right in you, or sometimes close friends as a matter of council and advice. Because they have full love for the good friend.

If there is not so then forgive and further forgive them because they don’t know what they do. Pray for them.

That is the only way, otherwise this thought will rankle in your mind throughout. You will have no rest. Whenever you sit (for meditation) that thing will come up.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Guru Nanak says, “O ignorant mind, by speaking tasteless or rude words, we hurt our own heart, our own inner self, and those words are not accepted. The words which are spoken sweetly, the words which are accepted in the Court of the Lord, are the only words which are appreciated.”

This is something which all the satsangis should consider and think about patiently. Almost one hundred percent of our problems, all the problems which happen in our lives, in our homes, are due to our rude words: the tasteless words we speak. Only because of our rude behavior and rude words, husband and wife do not get along with each other, father does not get along with son, and we have all these problems. But the problems are created only because we do not speak in a good way.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“The secret of selfless service is to deny the reward or recognition of any type and on the contrary consider one’s self as a humble instrument in the divine hands which are the sustainers and protectors of all.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“We should thank the Almighty Lord Who has given us this beautiful body, Who has given us good health, and so many other comforts in this world. He has sent us into this world, saying: “I am separating you from Myself and I am sending you into the world; but those who make the effort and do the devotion of the Lord will be able to come back to the Real Home. Their devotion will bring the highest prize: coming back to the Real Home from which I am separating you.” He has sent His beloveds, His dear children, the Saints, into this world, and They have always given us these teachings and inspired us to do the devotion of God which enables us to go back to the Real Home.

After coming into this world, Saints do not tell us to sit idle and do nothing. They tell us, “As there is disease, so there is remedy.” There is a remedy for every disease. They ceaselessly tell us to make efforts.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“So long as you are the doer you cannot help others. Perfect yourself first, then you can help others. Then He is doing it, not you.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“If God showers mercy and grace on us, He makes us meet the Master. And if Master showers grace on us, He unites us with the Shabd.

It is a pity that even we, the satsangis, do not understand the grace of the Master. Usually we think that if we get some promotion in our job, or if our sick child gets better, or if we get something of a worldly nature, that that is the grace of the Master. And if we lose a little bit in our home, then all our faith and devotion is broken and we lose all our faith in Master. The profits and loss which we have are according to our own karma which we have done.

Swami Ji Maharaj says, “Such people do not find any place to be still within, and they blame the Master.” They never hear the Shabd, they do not find stillness and rest within, and outside they blame the Master: “Master did not help us.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Suffice it to understand that unions and separations in this physical plane are veiled and governed by the inexorable law of karma. There is nothing premature as the divine machinery works with meticulous precision and nothing happens haphazardly, although it may look to us as such.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“The first thing which we need to think upon is whether we sincerely do our meditation and mold our lives according to the instructions of the Master. If we follow His commandments and if we follow Him completely, then Master does not hide anything from us. He enters within such a soul the same way as the rock candy is dissolved in milk. The color or the appearance of the milk does not change, only the taste of the milk has changed. In the same way those souls who live according to the instructions of the Master, Master sits within them bringing all the prosperities and all His confidence.

What do we do? For a few days we become like a toy in the hands of our mind, we do whatever mind is telling us. Later when that wave of mind goes away and the Satguru’s Shabd inspires us from within to come towards Him and do the devotion, then we start following the Path of the Masters instead of the mind, and we start living according to the instructions of the Master. Sometimes we pass the test and sometimes we fail. Sometimes we have love for the Master; sometimes we waver in our love for Him and that is why we do not become successful. Kabir Sahib says, “If we could maintain the yearning and the love which we had for the Master on the very first day of our meeting with Him, then what to speak of one’s own liberation, such a person could liberate millions of other souls.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“So first of all know yourself, be able to rise above body consciousness at your will, and transcend. And that is not also the end-all and be-all, but where the ABC starts. That requires time factor. A strong man revels in his strength and the weaker man wonders how he got it. Well, he did not get it in one day. That took time. So regular practice makes a man.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“God is not the personal property of anyone; He belongs to every community, He belongs to every religion, He belongs to every country. And everybody in this world- whether he is man or woman, whether he belongs to this country or that country, or whether he comes from lower class or upper class -all have the right to realize Him. Masters are sent by God and that is why they also belong to every religion. Masters make us understand that Satgurus are like the earth: If you sow sugar cane in the earth or if you sow chilies or if you sow wheat -whatever you sow, you will reap only that. In the same way, whatever feelings you have for the Master, you get the fruit according to your feelings.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“With all your learning, you are nowhere. Learning only means understanding. When you have understood, that is also not sufficient, unless you live up to it. This is the only secret – this is the secret. We know so much, I think if anyone of you is made to give a talk here, you would give a wonderful talk. But the question is of how you live. We ask so many questions – we ask a hundred times. We read books, scriptures, that’s all right. But again the same questions come up? Why? Digest it, live up to it. Or if you live up to, do only one thing, say for instance, Be truthful, all the other things follow. Deeds of darkness are committed in the dark, not in open day light. The difference between one who is advanced on the way, and one who is not advanced, is that he lives up to what he memorizes, the others don’t. The learned know so many things, of course. I think each one of you could write a book. You would write wonderfully in your own language. But there is radiation going on, how you are, how you live. Even the consciousness of a learned man appears in how he lives. You need not speak, the radiation will go out. And this is what we have to learn.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“We should also try to become beggars for His mercy and blessings and we should become claimants of His mercy and blessings. How can we do that? We can do that when we obey Him, when we work according to His message and teachings, and when we do the practices regularly which He taught us when He initiated us.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Sitting in sweet remembrance of the Master is exactly what the words imply. There is no technology involved in it. It is simple enough – a feeling of deep-seated love naturally created within, or a longing.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh
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