Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“The analysis of anything at the intellectual level, at the psychological level it never takes us to the Truth, so it’s only through a spiritual practice that we may really achieve what is the Root of Existence.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When our level of consciousness drops down we forget everything what we used to know very well, when our level of consciousness was at a higher level. In this world everything is attracted or pushed away according to our level of consciousness. We attract into our lives things which correspond to our level of consciousness and we push away from our life things which are not at the same level. So, it’ useless to give fault to anybody for what happens to us, it’s our level of consciousness, which attracts or pushes away whatever happens in our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“This world is full of traps, at any step you find one, so we must be very watchful, careful and very attentive where we go, what we do! So, we have to be very wise and try to find out always what is going to help us progress on the Path and what is going to take us away from our progress.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should be patient on the Path, and we should not expect anything spectacular; if it happens well and good, if it doesn’t, we keep doing our work.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“To achieve selfless and boundless love we don’t do it by any other means then melting into the Light and experiencing the Love and Light infuses and transmits into out being.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What is the essence of life? It is to unite with the Divine Love and become one with it. God is love, it is said, they all say. So we have to merge in God in order to become love, that is the only way.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“As far as we don’t reach Divinity, we be always like mutilated beings, always missing something fundamental. So, before we reach this, we have so many expectations, we want something, we miss always something. Once we achieve this we won’t need anything anymore. We won’t be looking for anything anymore. We find our peace. And we will never find our peace unless we achieve this.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“There is no way for we, human beings to be pulled out from our desperate condition unless we tune in with the Word of the Master. That means tuning in with the Shabd Power, the Naam Power. This is what saves our life, gives us the strength to change direction, change behaviour and understand what is real and what is unreal. So, we sit in meditation for tuning in with this Word of the Gurudeva, the Light within, the Sound within.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Whatever we go through in life, it’s just meant for our growth, joys and sorrows makes no difference. So, we should never get stuck in “I’m suffering, my life is difficult, I have troubles”, because those are lessons through which we learn something. One has to go through life with full trust, always aware and sure that everything that happens, it happens for a purpose and the purpose is our growth, our improvement and getting as close as we can to our Realization.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Sitting in meditation it means trying to create a condition in which meditation may happen. Our attempt to meditate it may even called a simulation, because we are simulating something, we don’t really provoke it, we don’t really make it happen ourselves, we are trying. But the real meditation happens only when the grace of God descends upon us, because of His free will, His decision. But this act is training, training oneself, trying to create a condition in which something may happen.
If we don’t plough the fields and make them ready for the sowing, there is no chance that anything may grow there. We have to prepare the land, put the seeds then something will grow. How will it grow? It all depends on many factors, which are not under our control.
So, we have to make ourselves available for the grace to come, but the grace comes when God wants. But even this so-called simulation of meditation it’s pleasant, because at least you relax, you smooth down and quiet down your mind and get rid of stress and tensions, it’s anyway beneficial even if we don’t transcend and go into another level of consciousness.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The Supreme Happiness does not come by any other means, except meditating on Naam, tuning in with Naam, which is God-into-Expression Power.

So, a spiritual person, seeker of Truth always try to experience this Supreme Happiness. We experience so many things in life, we try to find joy and fulfillment in many ways, but we are always disappointed. Therefore, we have understood it, it’s within us, is with us, we just have to uncover it. And it comes up, emerges from within us when the mind becomes totally still, totally peaceful, switches off. So, to switch off the mind we have to well focus our attention at the seat of the Soul in the body, which is in front of our Third Eye.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Why are we here? To evolve and grow, that is the only purpose of life. To evolve into a Divine Being, from a beastly human being we have to turn into Divine Beings. That’s the only thing, which has value. That’s the only thing, which stays with us and that’s the purpose of life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What we have done in our life, we make our death pleasant or unpleasant. Eventually the account is given to us for what we have done. And if we have been doing good, we will have a good passing away, blissful, and very ecstatic. If we haven’t done good, then we get back what we have done to others. So, if we love ourselves and we want to be good to ourselves, let’s be good to everybody. If we want joy, let’s spread joy if we want peace, let’s spread peace. Let’s be serving others with our potential, with what we have, what God has given to us, because we don’t have anything it’s all borrowed by somebody. So, what is given to us lets share it with others.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Guru Arjan Dev says “The real seeker of Truth, the real devotee of Satguru will wake up early every morning, sing the praises of Satguru and then sit down peacefully in meditation”. If there is a difference between ordinary people and seekers of Truth is that seekers of Truth will do a spiritual practice in order to tune in with the Divine Presence, the Divine Power, while the ordinary people don’t. A seeker of Truth is meant to be a spiritual person. A spiritual person is somebody that tunes in with the all pervading Spirit of God. Otherwise we are not spiritual people, we are maybe believers, religious, but not spiritual. So, we want to be spiritual people, seekers of Truth and we want to tune in with the all pervading Spirit of God.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we come on the Path, we should take a definite and radical decision that this is the Path that I’m going to follow in my whole life and I will never stop until I reach my goal. It’s very important to be optimistic, be positive and convince oneself that yes, I will succeed!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“So, we seek refuge at the Satguru. Satguru is like a shelter that protects us from so many dangers of life.
Master Kirpal used to say: “When you going to the refuge of the Master the most painful situations will be turned into easy ones.” Just because of being under His protection.
So, this is one of the reasons why also we human beings should go to Satguru, because of this protection., we need protection. Why do we need protection? Because our mind is taking us astray all the time and causing so many troubles to us, leading us in directions, which are not healthy and which are not for our ultimate good.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Life is constant movement, pushing us forward whether we like it or not, whether we want to or not. But if we co-operate then it’s so much easier. If we don’t, then it’s through suffering that we are pushed forward, but if we co-operate then we don’t need to suffer.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s only by the grace of the Supreme Satguru that our boats, even if they are capsized may go across.
Life is not easy, it’s rather difficult and to float of the waters of life is not simple. It’s very rare that somebody is capable of flowing with life, do His or Her spiritual practice regularly and keep the boat straight up.
So, we face many difficulties, which makes difficult for us to keep doing our spiritual practice and flow constantly with life and find the inner contact with the Inner Light.
Therefore we need Satguru to help us, to face the difficulties of life and keep inspiring us to do our spiritual practice, which is the only thing that it’s going to make it easy.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We need a man who has realized the Truth and through His life is able to give an example of the ideal life. This has an effect, because we want examples. We are always looking for examples. He may inspire us. That is what changes us, gives us the input, the strength to do something better with our lives. Examples are the best thing in life to help us strive and make an effort to improve ourselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s only through meditation we may achieve the union of the individual self with the Overself. For doing so we have to go beyond whatever we understand to be ourselves, which is this body mainly, the sensory perception that we have and the thinking process that despite of us keeps happening. So, once we go beyond the physical body, the sensory perception, which corresponds somehow to the astral body and the thinking process, which corresponds somehow to the causal body then we may achieve union with Supreme Light.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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