Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“Master tells us, you become aware that this world that you know, that you have experienced up to now it’s pure illusion, Reality is just behind it. It is like we look at the sea and we see the surface, the waves and we think that’s the sea, but that’s not true, the sea is so much more, what lies in the deepness of those waters, so many things, so much life is there, but we don’t see.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we don’t get tired and fed up with the mechanism of life and our habits we never find the way for our real well-being.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s only when at some point we really get into troubles either emotionally, mentally, physically that we get fed up with this play of life and we decide to give up so many things and look for something better, something Real, something Higher.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“People who step beyond either in meditation or with a near to death experience they declare that the amount of knowledge that was revealed to them in just a few seconds it was just incredibly much. So, the possibility of acquiring the Real Knowledge it’s there only if you step beyond the sensory perception and the mental activity.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We come on the Path to learn how to see the Reality beyond the illusion and it’s a great blessing to step into this other dimension. This is what really gives meaning and sense to life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Why do we come on the Path? Why do we look for Truth? Because we are convinced, at least we are beginning to be convinced that this world, which we are aware of is not the whole Reality.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Let’s be brave, let’s be wise and pray so that the Supreme Being may use us to bring joy and well-being into the life of anybody we meet.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What does a real devotee of a Master says?

Bind me to your chain, let me be with You, let me stay with You. Let me follow You for the rest of my life. Let it be that my mind does not taken away from You.

Why this? Because when I look into Your eyes every trouble, every pain flies away.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Be sure, once you go in the Shelter of the Master, you will be protected. And the more you trust, the more you will be protected.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Which is the greatest event in life?
Seeing the Light of God.
That’s the greatest event!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“On the Path we say there are three main practices to be done: Simran, Bhajan, Dhyan. So, by Simran we withdraw our attention from the outside and the body below, it gets focused at the Third Eye and when we are well focused into this Dyan that we are talking about then the Light manifests and the Light when it is very shining it becomes also Sounding Light. So, that’s Bhajan, listening to the Sound. And then we go into Dyan, that leads to Samadhi, we get out of this body.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“A wise person takes the chance from suffering to improve and not get stuck into it. We should not fall into desperation, if we are suffering we should get rid off suffering, we act even more. So, laziness should encourage us to do even more, so that we may step out of our condition. Suffering very often it’s an opportunity to get out of our condition, take our life in our hands and really want to do something to get out of it, because we are fed up with suffering, we don’t want it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It takes a lot of time to really change deeply our habits. It is a humble association with the Master, it is a long time listening to Satsang, to the teachings with humility and a lot of Seva, selfless service that is what changes us. And this must be done with love and devotion.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Remember, he who breaks the wall of the Guru’s orders will never realize the inner knowledge.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Saints and Mahatmas, Beloveds of God, come into this world carrying the message of love, because God is love. Lovingly they explain to us that we should not have any enmity or hatred towards anybody or any community in this world; we should keep our heart open for everyone and our heart should be full of love for all people, regardless of their religion or their communities.

Saints and Mahatmas do not come into this world to give us the training of fighting with other people or with each other. They do not come into this world to teach us criticism and backbiting or hating others, and they do not come into this world to make us obtain name and fame and the power of this world. They come into this world to teach us about God and to develop the love of God within us.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“There is some power who has created all of this. He has made so many species of life and man is the highest, you see. So God made man with equal privileges. Everybody lives in the womb for nine months – even the saints who come. When born, they have the same form outside. Who made that form in the womb of the mother? Is there any machinery in there? So God resides in temples which He has made. God does not reside in temples made of stone. Very common sense things. You come to know that your body is the temple of God, with equal privileges for all. Your present life is based on reactions of the past. Pauperism, richness, sickness, this and that thing – come as a reaction of what we have sown. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Now, in the man-body you have got some freedom. In all lower species, all are bound – no freedom. When a railway line is laid down, the train will run on that line. If you have right understanding, you’ll be laying it so that it leads back to your home. If not, you’ll come back.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“The coming of the Saints in this world is to wake us up. They tell us, “You have a very long journey to do, and you have very little time. A traveller should always be aware of the means he has to do his journey, and his attention should always be towards his goal.”

The mind and the sense organs, which are created as the obstacles in our path to meet God, have been created in the Will of God, just to see, “who, despite all this opposition, comes and meets me.”

Many dear ones ask, “Why did God Almighty create Kal? Why did He create the mind and the organs of senses? Because they are so forceful, so dangerous.” Master Sawan Singh Ji used to reply to this question in this way. He used to say, “Why don’t you go inside and ask this question to God Almighty yourself?”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“When we start to make any building, first of all we make the foundation very strong, because if we don’t make the foundation very strong we cannot make a good, strong building. In order to make a good, strong building, we definitely need a good, strong foundation. In the same way, in order to meditate more, we need to make our ground, and purity of heart can be called as the ground for working in the field of meditation. If we will have pure hearts, only then will we be able to progress in meditation. If we will have a good character, good morals, only then will we be able to spend our time and our attention in doing meditation. So purity of heart and good character is very important for the dear ones if they want to progress in meditation.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“You may have had this happen in your experience too: Sometimes you’re sitting very absorbed; somebody calls you, your ears are open but you don’t hear. He calls you once, twice, thrice. He comes up to you and says, “Well you have not heard me? I have called you so many times.” “No, I have not heard.” “Why?” — “My attention was engaged somewhere else.” So similarly it is your attention that gives life to all your outward things. You are the giver of all attention to these things and you are dragged by all these things. How shameful it is, I would say. The whole thing is topsy turvy. It is you who give the strength to your mind, to your outgoing faculties; and what has happened now? Outer things attract your outgoing faculties; and faculties control your mind. Mind controls intellect. And poor fellow, Soul, is being dragged about. Is it not so? Just come to your own self, that’s all I can say. You know who you are? Now you understand? Forget all outward forms, everything like that. Master does not give you anything new, only [the opportunity] to come to your own Self, that’s all. You may learn it in a day, ten days, ten years, ten births. Why not learn now? Man-body is the golden opportunity you have got. In this body only, you can do it. This is really your own work, personal work. All other works are the question of give and take, finish off. Wind up the whole thing.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“The real Saint is millions of miles away from all these so-called spiritual fads or cults which exist in the world today. When such a Saint comes in this world, He works only for the inner things and He doesn’t bother about any outer things. [You know that] if any business wants to sell some of its goods, it will have some agent or representative working for the company. In the same way, the real Saint is working for God. He is like an agent of God and He reminds us about our mission, the mission with which we have come into this world. Our mission is to go back to God. So whenever such a real Saint comes, He always gives us the inner things and He always talks about the inner things. He doesn’t work for the outer things; His only purpose is to take us back to God. So whenever such a Saint comes – unlike people in those other cults – He practices meditation and He advises only those people who come to Him. He doesn’t work with or take the help of any group or political party, because His party is that of God, and in fact, God Himself works for Him.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh
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