The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“True love, wisdom and power are the greatest gifts that one gets by basking in the sunshine of Heaven’s Light.”
“If you watch your present moment, then everything is all right. If you don’t care, sometimes for hours you’re oblivious and in those vacant hours there’s so much trouble that comes up which affects your meditations. So when you sit for meditation, forget the past, forget the future; live in the living present. This is the one thing that will give you success in your meditations. But the vacant hours in which you’ve not kept the mind occupied with some constructive thought affect your meditation.
So that is the remedy that accounts for all these things: If you would pass your every hour in peace, with no ill will against anybody and no attachment to anybody, if you can pass each hour like that for one day, then continuously for some days, no such ramifications of mind will come up to affect your meditations. We are frittering away our moments of life in suchlike pursuits. Kabir says, ‘Make each breath you take the offering to your Master.’ Do you follow what I have said? Every breath you take, make it an offering to your Master. This is very valuable, Kabir says, and we fritter away a fortune. If a dying man wishes to stay for a few minutes longer, he cannot.”
“Millions of happinesses, millions of treasures, millions of peace, millions of divisions and the grand divisions of this creation, Khands and Brahmands are within the human being. Master Sawan Singh Ji used to say that if a doctor tells you that he has done a lot of surgery but he has not found any of these things within the human body, that is not true. All these things lie within us, but they are hidden behind the veil of our mind. Mind is hiding all these things from us, and they are present within us in their astral form. When you lift up that veil, then all these things – these riches, these treasures, this peace and happiness – are within you and you can get them.”
“A disciple who does not see in his Master the Power-of-God is not yet a true disciple. He is yet on probation and continues to be so until he sees in him the glory of God; and this, in the true sense, happens only when the Master reveals His Radiant Form within the disciple.”
“When we fortunately meet a perfect Master, then giving up the company of the mind and the organs of senses, we should love that Master wholeheartedly, sincerely and honestly. Because when we will love the Master, then our attachment to the worldly things will decrease and it will become easier for us to go within. So that is why, when fortunately we get the company of such a Master, we should love Him; we should follow His commandments without having any fear. Without having any doubts, we should go within and connect ourselves with the Naam within. He has come into this world to shower so much grace upon us. He resides within us and from within He showers grace upon us. He connects us with that Power within for which we have been yearning and for which we have been searching for a very long time. So that is why, if God Almighty showers grace upon us and if He brings us to a perfect Master, we should take advantage of that grace.”
“Perseverance combined with full faith in the gracious Master Power working overhead will one day remove all obstacles, and your cherished goal will be achieved.”
“There are very few fortunate people who ask for the Master from Him; most of the dear ones who do the devotion of the Lord are doing it for fulfillment of their own desires, which their minds have created. Only a few people do the devotion of the Lord only for the Lord Himself. The other people obey their minds and do whatever the mind tells them in order to fulfill their desire. If it is not fulfilled by their efforts, they ask the Master to fulfill it and that is why we prepare the traps for ourselves in which we get stuck and suffer. You see, we have come to this Path to make ourselves better; we were supposed to improve ourselves and rise above the desires of the world. But instead of that, obeying our mind we started asking our Master to fulfill our desires, which our mind has created. We are creating traps for ourselves. Think about this patiently in your hearts and you will see what you are doing. Are we doing the devotion of the Lord, or are we doing the devotion of the mind?”
“Keep the sweet remembrance of the Master, pray to the Master and He will take you across on the ship of love. Because there is only one material to make the ship that takes us from the physical world to the Divine world and that is love!”
“If we keep thinking about the Master, if we keep remembering all those beautiful time that we spent with the Master, all those beautiful moments, precious blessings that we got in the company of the Master, precious Darshans and precious upliftments. If we keep remembering those then we will know that the Path is real, it really works and it will definitely work for us.”
“Let’s take the teachings of the Master to our heart, let’s be honest, let’s be truthful, let’s do our best to put them into practice and make our life wonderful. We don’t want to be happy just with an ordinary life, we want an extraordinary life!”
“If we come on the Path and we really catch hold the teachings of the Master, because Master Kirpal used to say “Respect my words more than my body!” means my teachings more than myself, because that is what saves us. If we take the teachings seriously and we really stick to them and live by them then there is a possibility.”
“Why we do come on the Path? We come on the Path, because we want to get out of this wheel of transmigration, so called Samsara or Chaurasi, the wheel of birth and rebirth. So, how do we do this? How may we accomplish this? We get out of it by going into the Center, by reaching the very center of life, which is the Divinity. So, how do we reach there? How can a man accomplish such a very high task? By ourselves we would never be able to accomplish this! If we have a good luck to meet a Perfect Living Master in our life, take Initiation from Him or Her and with great enthusiasm, energy and will we do our spiritual practice and experience while we are alive the process of dying while living only then we can accomplish this.”
“There is no way for we human beings to be pulled out from our desperate condition unless we tune in with the Word of the Master. That means with the Shabad Power, the Naam Power. This is what saves our life, gives us the strength to change direction and behaviour and understand what is Real and what is unreal. So, we sit in meditation for tuning in with this Word of Gurudeva, the Light within, the Sound within.”
“We should always be looking for the Supreme Reality. We should always try to transcend this physical condition.”
“When you have seen and touched the Reality, even once in your life, you will never be able to forget and say it’s not there, it was my imagination. So, it’s very important to come on a spiritual Path, a Path which gives you a practice, by which you may by the grace of God transcend the human condition and touch what lies beyond this physical and material world.”
“It’s ok to acquire different kinds of knowledge, but it’s fundamental to understand who we are as human beings, what is this physical reality, this material world and what is the world beyond this physical world.”
“Thoughts have an incredible power. According to the thoughts that whirl in our mind we have consequent emotional reactions in our body. Therefore we should always make an effort, try and try hard to think in positive terms, in terms of optimism. Sometimes it’s very difficult, because we go through difficult periods. Difficult because of other situations or difficult because of inner situations of ours. But we have to try and try again to be optimistic and positive.”
“It’s always very good and wise to be optimistic, no matter what happens.”
“Once we have by the grace of our Satguru a spiritual experience then we don’t have to just pack it up and hide it somewhere, we have to keep it fresh, refresh every day through doing Bhajan and Simran.”
“What we perceive of life is just the surface, what lies deep into it we don’t perceive. In order to perceive we have to go deep into meditation, open the Inner Eye, get out of this physical consciousness and transcend into the Beyond then we see the Reality. And what we see is that this world is not material at all, it is just Light, vibrating Light!”