Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“We have a natural inclination, we come with a certain mission for this life and we have pursue that, so whatever is our inclination, what is our choice in life let’s got deep into it, let’s try to do our best in it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We have to choose what we want to do with our life and just follow what is our natural inclination. If you are looking for God, let’s really look for God! Let’s busy ourselves with this and try to do our best in this project, which we have made for our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“This manifestation it is the emanation, expansion of the Divine. This Infinite Being projects Himselfs endlessly in His creation. Everything is an endless reproduction of this Supreme Being. God is everywhere!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We get to lost in what happens normally in our daily life, in what’s happening right now in our life, and if it is a difficult period then we get very depressed, we forget that this is just a part of this long life. So, we should not take it too serious and just overcome and have a wider outlook.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s always very good to think in big terms. It’s always good to see things from a higher perspective. If we lose ourselves in the details, in the everyday happenings and we become too worried with what is happening right now then we miss the point. Because every detail, everything which happens it’s part of a much wider project. If we lose ourselves in the details then we miss the overview of the all situation. So, whatever is happening in our life right now is just a small part of the whole story, whether is joy or sorrow it doesn’t really matter, because it is not an independent something, it is just a small part of a much wider program.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Many people don’t even realize that taking Initiation is making a promise that I will do, put into practice the teachings, which the Master is going to give me at Initiation. They think it’s a joke, it’s a play. So, if we take the Path, the Initiation and the teachings with such an attitude then these going to make banal everything, everything is going to loose meaning and importance, it will not work. We have to take the Holy vow of Initiation with the most sincerity, giving the most importance to it then it will work!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we tune in with the Divine Power of God then we will be able to break this cage of time and space in which we are all stuck and get out of it by entering into that Divine Dimension, which is beyond time and space, which is the Eternal.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we do our spiritual practice then dying is not going to be suffering. We go across, carried by the ship of love that is the Master.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we are full in love with the Master and we have total faith in Him then anything that happens in life we will never understand that it is a curse. We will be sure that anything that happens it is done by our Satguru and that it is meant for our betterment and for our improvement. So, we will take it with joy, we will not suffer it even if it is suffering, we will welcome it and take it with joy.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“One will go on coming and going until one surrenders one’s whole being to the Guru; and this means living in accordance with His wishes, thinking as he advocates.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“If we say that we will not go to school and that the teacher should do our work — how is that possible? It is the student’s duty to go to school, and after that it is the schoolmaster’s duty to teach him. Master will never come in the nine openings, so you have to vacate the nine openings and reach the place which you are shown by the Master — behind and between the two eyebrows. So it is the duty of the disciple to reach that place behind the two eyebrows after controlling the outgoing faculties. There you will see how Master is working.

So everybody has to meditate and they should earn their meditation — Shabd Naam — and always feel Master Kirpal’s presence at every place. See Him in all; He is sitting in all.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Kabir says, “I have not seen anyone who has taken birth and is happy.” So ask anybody, you see. He’ll say he has something against his wishes. Saint Tulsi Das who was a Saint and Guru Nanak both say the same–“The world is all maya.” Tulsi Das says, “All are unhappy on account of either physical body, illness, or for want of money. Or by the cruelty of mind–all complain against mind.” Then He says, “Is there any remedy for this?” He says, “Yes, there is one remedy. Just sit at the Feet of a Saint.” He lets you know why you are unhappy. We are conscious entities. So we can become happy only when we come into contact with the Higher Consciousness, you see. Our soul is all wisdom, eternal, all joy, all bliss. If our soul comes in contact with the Oversoul or God, only then is there happiness.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Having received the protection of a God-realized man, do you think He would ever forget you? The Master always holds His disciples in the innermost heart center.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“In order to cross over this ocean of life, and in order to remove all the diseases, all the pains which we have, especially the pain or the disease of birth and death, the Naam of the perfect Master is the only medicine. It works like an herb which renews life – it gives you the life again.

Saints and Mahatmas, whether They were born in the East or the West, or whether They were born in the Persian countries, regardless of which age They came into this world and what language They spoke, all the Masters have the same goal, They all have the same destination. All the Masters are the drops of the same ocean – that very ocean from which our soul has come out. Guru Nanak Sahib says that there is one God, there is one Will of God, and with that Will of God He has created the entire creation.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“A man is not what he appears to be. Everyone has his background of past karmas. Your past karmas have now ripened up and the help is at hand. Food is for the hungry and water is for the thirsty. The reactions of the past lives karma are bearing forth fruit, and what you have been so far is the result of all that.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“All secrets, all realities, and all facts which exist are within our human body. Whatever we see outside, God has created within also.
It is like the radio: people play music, play drums, dance, sing and do all sorts of things-and we listen to all this through the radio. If anyone thinks they can break the radio and take out the dancers, singers and musicians, that is not possible; because they are not physically there; only their voices are broadcast through there.
Our body is like a radio set, within which all the Khands and Brahmands (higher planes) and the entire creation, seen or unseen, is lying. Not in their physical form, of course; they are in their astral or causal form. And if anybody thinks that by operating on the body he can take out the Khands and Brahmands, that is not possible. Just as the radio will not work until it is connected with a battery or with power and tuned to a station, in the same way if our body is not connected with the “battery” and is not tuned properly, we cannot know about the inner world, the Khands and Brahmands.
Who connects our “battery” and what is it? Our battery is the Shabd, the Power of God. And the Masters who have manifested the Power in them, connect our “set,” our soul, with that Power, that “battery.” And when we are in tune, then we can easily get messages and things from the Brahmand.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Overcoming and giving up outward tendencies, stilling the mind and dying while alive is not easy. The inner gate opens only when the outer gates are closed. There is no other way to get in. People wish to continue to run out through the outer gates and also wish to get into the inner. This is impossible. Two things cannot happen at the same time. One is to be given up to achieve the other.”

— Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj

“There will be moments in the course of developing love for the Master when one, judging from one’s own limited understanding, doubts the validity of the Master’s instructions, but such moments are only tests to make our self-surrender more complete and more secure, and he who passes through these tests successfully, will one day radiate with the glory of God.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“God lives within us but the soul doesn’t know that the Oversoul is within. That is why we search for Him on mountains and in temples and mosques. Many people go on very difficult pilgrimages. It is just as though the needle were in search of iron, not knowing that she herself is made out of iron. It is as though the fish in the water is thirsty, not knowing that she needs only to open her mouth. In the same way God is within us, as the butter is in the milk, and the fragrance is in the flower. But we don’t know this and therefore we search for Him outside. If anything is lost in our house but we go on searching for it outside, how can we find it? So this world is not our home. Our soul is entangled here.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Ever since creation started, the mind … has not gone within, nor has it found peace and rest. The task, therefore, is difficult, but it can be successfully completed, and this is the object of our life. If man is the highest achievement of creation, his responsibility is great also. Man is born so that he may merge his soul in its Source and not be born a second time (in this world). The greatest service one can render is to merge his soul, by freeing it from the attachment of mind and matter, in that Ocean of Peace and Bliss, of which it is a particle or drop.”

— Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
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