Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“So what gives purpose, what gives flavor and value to life? It’s the inner contact that we are able to establish with the Supreme Sadhguru. Master Kirpal said, “Without your life and soul mean nothing”. So we have to get to this intensity. An intense love for the Supreme Being, for our Sadhguru that allows us to say this with all sincerity. My life has value when you’re there. When you aren’t there, my life is worth nothing. That means that we cherish so much the perception of this Holy presence. The beauty that prevails when the Beloved is present. And the ugliness that is there when He is absent. Of course, we amuse ourselves through many things in life. But as far as this source of joy and outer pleasure has a meaning for us, then it means we still have a long way to go. It’s okay to be happy with life, but our real longing and yearning, have to be constantly directed towards attracting into our perception, into our life this Holy presence. So these people who have this kind of belonging like Master Kirpal said: “They are the spiritual people”. Those who love to have the spiritual perception. Those who like to feed themselves spiritually with the Light of God. Here also, we can measure where we stand considering how much we find pleasure in the outer world and how much we find pleasure in the inner world inside of ourselves. What we like the most? What’s most important for us? It has to grow, has to develop, has to become very intense. It has to become, as Mansur Kripal put it, a ruling passion. A ruling passion for God. So any meditation sitting we do, it’s adding something. It’s a way of increasing, and improving. This is our longing. This is our ruling passion. So the more we feed ourselves with the Light of God, the more hungry we become. Because there is never enough.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Freedom is the capacity of living any situation without wanting it to be different. With full acceptance, accepting life with open arms, in whichever shape and form it comes. That’s freedom.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The good life, though highly desirable and indispensable, is not an end in itself. The goal of life is something different. It is an ascension from the plane of relativity and physical existence into one of absolute being.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“The way for transcending desire, he will know, is not through repressing it, but meeting it squarely and overcoming it.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“To know all life is to discover a new bond between oneself and the rest of creation.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“To reach the still-point which holds in itself all actions. The point where to have nothing is to possess everything.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Whether it is Light, whether it is Sound, whether it is just a powerful perception of His Presence. It’s all good, it’s all Him. It comes the way we are able to welcome this Presence.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“So all this: our body, this building in which we are, it’s all atoms, but we perceive it as solid matter, because we are stuck in this level of consciousness, which is physical. But if we withdraw from this physical consciousness and go into a deep state of meditation, we’ll see that it’s all vibrant, that it’s all Light. This body is Light and this building is also Light and the whole world is Light. But to understand this intellectually, it’s not enough. Scientists do understand this intellectually, but they don’t experience it as a level of consciousness.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Now we may be convinced that we live just one lifetime, we may be convinced that we live more lifetimes, whatever we want. From this perspective it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that we try to realise this Supreme Truth in this very lifetime.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Everything is sacred. Everything has a lot of meaning. Let’s relate to life like this.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What we give out to existence, the same thing of existence comes back to us.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“A real man is that who thinks something and says it. Who says something and does it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Master Kirpal used to say we are like pipes with so many holes, and this water going through leaks from everywhere. So in the end, there won’t be a strong push. And these wholes are our involvement with all these stupidities of the world. So if we want to have this intensity, we have to reduce our involvement with the empty and useless things of the world. And if you don’t have this intense longing and yearning and pining for God, then we pray, we keep praying, please grant it to me. And what we ask for, sooner or later, is given to us. It might take time, but it will come.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Meditation, spiritual perception, spiritual experience. It’s all a matter of becoming receptive to the energy that permeates the space. So the space around us is saturated with very powerful spiritual energy, but normally we don’t perceive it because we are by the way so identified with this body and this thinking process.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Crisis is an opportunity to change, if we never have a crisis, we never have an opportunity to change.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The way of transforming ourselves from dirt into gold is that of traveling within ourselves. Transforming the earth into gold it means transforming this gross, human body, material body, into an astral body, a subtle body. And for doing so we need to travel from this body and this mind, into the silence of the soul, of the spirit.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Sant Ji used to say that with great, good fortune, one gets the pure selfless love of the Master. And we can say that with great good fortune, one can give back the same selfless, real, honest love to the Master. We are all so stuck in our personalities and the way we think we should be, maybe the way we like to be. But to me, a free person must be somebody who is capable of broadening their possibilities, broadening their personality, and being multifunctional, capable of adapting to a situation and doing things that are appropriate in that situation.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When the Divine Light manifests within, then we are pulled into a state of Supreme bliss, our Supreme peace. And this is what we need. This is what we want. This is what we would like to achieve. So this is what we would like, to be free from any anxieties, from any worries, for any fear. To just be at peace, no torments from the mind. So this piece, we have to work for. Sometimes it’s given to us as a gift, as a blessing, a matter of grace, but most of the time we have to work for it. So, I suppose this is a reason why we go to a retreat because we want to get this peace, to step into a state of peace, love, and joy.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Try to understand what’s useful and what’s useless. What’s useful? Your peace of mind. Your inner satisfaction, which comes from the bliss, which is already inside of you. We are actually blissful beings if we are deprived, separated from mind and thoughts, which create emotions and sensations, that give us trouble. Without this, we are just at peace. With this, we are in trouble.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Satguru through initiation plants a beautiful fragrant tree within us. And we have to make this tree grow and become a wonderful fragrant tree. And the Master helps us to make it grow by giving us Satsang, by giving us Darshan, by meditating with us, by making us sing the Bhajans, by making us learn the Bhajans. So this is a banquet that the Master provides for us for our growth. So if you don’t don’t use it, then we are the careless, unworthy children of the Master. Because all of these that the Master provides to us, it’s very precious. He has worked so much to gather all of these and then distribute them to us. Distribute it to those who are yearning for it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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