Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“What everybody wants to achieve on a spiritual path is to have a constant, continuous presence of the Divine within. Because when we experience this Divine presence, this Divine state of consciousness, we naturally will always like to be there. You will never like to go back to the ordinary state of consciousness because it is so miserable in comparison. But this is not easy. This is the most difficult thing in the Universe. Because as far as we are in a physical body, the consciousness tends to go back again and again to this physical level. It is a sort of inner force of gravity that drags everything down back again to the Earth. But this force of gravity has a certain extension. And once we go beyond that extension, then it no longer has an effect. But very few lucky people ever get to reach so high. So for most people, while we are in this physical body, even if we have wonderful spiritual experiences, then by any means, the consciousness will return to the physical level. So this is the struggle, trying to get back as close as possible to that Divine condition. And for this, we have to do lots of spiritual practice. It needed so much patience, so much insistence, and perseverance. The fact is that when we have experienced a state of that kind, life in this world and this body will not be appealing anymore. So this is the dynamic and torment of the spiritual life, of the spiritual transformation. But it is meant to be like this. That’s how it works.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Love and devotion are very important factors on this spiritual path. They make everything easy. If these two elements are present in our relationship with our Master and in treating the Path, then everything is so much easier. If they are absent, then everything becomes much more difficult.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“A good way to begin our meditation is by praying to our Lord, to the one we choose as our Divinity, to manifest His Light in us, within us, and to allow us to melt into Him, disappear into Him, and lose any trace of our individual self.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Whether we believe it or not or have experienced it or not, prayer has great power. It moves reality. It changes reality. Because even scientifically, the act of wanting something or asking something from the universe, from reality, changes the movement of the tiny particles of matter. So we can influence reality. Of course, the strength and the will to do so is also a gift from Him. Otherwise, it will never even cross our mind. But if you’re lucky enough to have this grace of wanting with determination to move in a certain direction. We ask for the help of the Supreme Being of the universe to come to our rescue. And if you keep asking for it, it doesn’t mean that it happens right away. Sometimes it does. Most of the time, we have to wait sometimes, sometimes months, sometimes years. It depends on the nature of our request. And it depends on when it is the best time for it to happen. This, we don’t know. The Supreme Intelligence knows much better. But when we ask for something, definitely, sooner or later, it happens. In the case of my life, I can say that anything I’ve asked sincerely, has happened, everything, and keeps happening. So it’s for all of us. We all can influence our reality by a conscious request. Of course, the request should be for a spiritual purpose. But sometimes we are human beings, and we can also ask for other things that are reasonable. So nothing that we do spiritually goes wasted. Sooner or later, we will have an answer. There might be certain cases in which our request doesn’t meet with the will of the Supreme Being, then it doesn’t happen. The will and plane of the Supreme Being are different. And we might be amazed by it, but this Supreme Being knows all of our thoughts, all of our wishes, the tiniest, whatever crosses our mind. And knows very well what is good to happen or what is not good to happen. We don’t see this at work all the time, but in very special moments when something very peculiar happens, then we see that it was exact to the second. That this intervention from high above is always perfect and exact.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“A seeker after Truth should keep walking toward His/Her destination by living the lifestyle the Path teaches. And by trying not to think of anything but of the One who has created the thoughts, which means the Simran, which means the names of God, that is God. This way, without too many suppositions, opinions, fears, or doubts, we get to the goal without many troubles.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We have to decide what we want from life, which we want to be our Supreme passion. We might have many cravings for the world or a supreme passion for God. When I say God, I don’t mean someone up there who ministates, and governs the Universe and the Creation. I mean a state of consciousness in which there is absolute Truth, absolute Reality. Free from any shadow, free from any darkness and duality. So, consciousness may dwell in so many stages, so many planes. The level of consciousness we are in is what pushes us into doing anything we do and any choice we make in life. So, if you want to make an excellent choice of realizing the Supreme Truth we have to raise our level of consciousness through meditation.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“That’s what happens to those that keep persisting, persevering on the Path. They go back to the Primal Being. They go back to the Region of Truth. And they become clear like the clear, blue sky.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We are nothing, but inside us, we have this spark of the infinite of Divinity. That’s the paradox of existence. That is the most tiny particle you find in the infinite. But it’s not enough to realize intellectually or scientifically. Even with scientific proofs that it is like this. Nowadays, there is scientific evidence that this is the reality. This means there is no reality. It’s all a dream. It’s all a fantasy. It’s all imagination. We imagine to exist, but we don’t exist at all. So become this nothing. That’s the process of getting rid of all the troubles and headaches of existence. Since we are convinced to be so much, then it’s very difficult to become nothing. That is what we really are. But if you become nothing, then we become everything. It seems absurd, but life is absurd. But as I said, it’s not enough to come to realize this intellectually, even scientifically. It has to be an inner experience of ours. Then it becomes really a fact for us. We witness with our inner eyes, with our inner perception. So that’s why in meditation, we try to focus on just one point, one single spot. Because we want to go back to the One. So one spot, which is just in the center. So it’s called a Single Eye because the reality you don’t see with two eyes. You see it with just one eye because the reality is One.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we meet the Master and we meditate with him that’s the best time to take the chance and try to go as close as possible to the Primal Source from which we all emanated at some point, and to which we all have to return. And this going back it’s within us. The journey, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji used to say, starts from the toes of your feet and goes up to the top of your head. Journey’s inside. It’s inside of us. We have to transcend what is this physical consciousness and try to go within the spiritual consciousness. And the gate through which we pass is in the middle of our forehead.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“There are so many metaphors about the transformation of the self. The drop of rain falls into a shell, stays in the deepness of the ocean, and gradually it is transforming into a pear. Rubies, by opening to the influx of the sun rays, become this beautiful red that they have. The common human being, by staying in the company of a holy man gradually transforms into a Holy man. Whatever you want to become in life, keep the company of those people, and have developed the same qualities, and attributes. If you want to become a religious fanatic, go spend time with religious fanatics, and that’s what you will become. If you want to become a free man, an open-minded man, a human being who is capable of welcoming all the possible differences of life with an open mind then go spend time with free-minded people. If you want to become a meditator, go spend time with meditators.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we have peace inside ourselves, we will also attract peace outside ourselves. And even if we find ourselves in difficult situations, we will be able to keep our equipoise, our balance, be peaceful, and not respond to the difficult situations. So if you want your life to become a heaven, then try to manifest heaven within yourself. If you want peace in your life, make your mind peaceful. To make your mind peaceful you have to sit down in meditation, activate the attention, and smooth down the thinking of the mind.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In whose hands do we want to be? By whom and by what do we want our lives to be moved? We want to be instruments and tools in the hands of the Supreme Divinity, the Supreme Satguru. So, we should try to be distributors of His nourishment, which is Light and Love, and share it with True Lovers. That is what we should do if we wish to live a good life: to do good, be good, and be one.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When you go very deep into the repetition of the simran. You will understand and you will experience, that the simran are not just words, but every word it’s a level of consciousness. It’s a condensed energy, which has its own peculiarity, each one of the words. So difficult to believe this, but if you go very deep into the constant repetition you will experience it by yourself.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“So at first we have a blessing, lets say normally it goes like this. when one comes on a spiritual Path, there is an encouragement that comes as a blessing from God. If God wants to keep you on the path, if it is your time to experience something transcendental. Then God will give you a blessing by giving you an experience.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Mantra is a helping factor in stilling the mind and focusing the attention. So mantra is/are words of God, names of God and repeating them is like attracting the blessing, the grace of God. So repeating a mantra is like calling on somebody, since these are names of God. So if you repeat these names you are calling this God. Calling to yourself attracting his blessing into your life, into your experience. So that’s the purpose of a mantra.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Courage, optimism, and trust will pave our road and be a shelter for our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We don’t have to wait to leave this world to go into the peace, into the love and beauty of the Divine. We should try to live such a life in which already here in this world we are able to bring into our life this love, this joy, and this peace. So, that’s why seekers of Truth come on the spiritual Path and learn how to do a spiritual practice. So, they may experience while alive, some of that peace, which belongs to the Beyond.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“You (Baba Sawan singh) said we should pray for truth, so we pray to you for truth. Please allow to us, to realize truth in this very lifetime. Give us the strength to work hard for it. Give us the will. Give us the capacity to sit for long hours of meditation, please allow it. We are poor human beings, we are so limited, the mind is so strong and so powerful. And we are under his control, the mind is carried away by the senses and the senses follow the impulses it get that it receives. And we who are this atama, this surat, this soul, we are dragged like anything by our mind. Which in turn is dragged like anything by the senses. So this human condition is not an easy one, it’s complicated, it’s quite complex. By our own efforts, by our own potential we will never succeed, we are very aware of it. We don’t have the strength, we don’t have the endurance, the perseverance. So please give all of this to us, and more over in spite of ourselves, in spite of our limits, in spite of our wantings or cravings or desires. Make it such that we may realize this truth about which you talk so highly in this song of yours. We are your children, we are your devotees, so don’t make it such that, do not allow that our life passes away without realizing this truth. Send your blessings, send your grace, shower us with grace, shower us with bliss.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“(Truth) Where do we have to look for it? It’s hidden inside us and it’s very deep down, into the very essence of our being. So we have to reach there. So how do we reach there? We reach there by going within, by doing a spiritual practice, by doing an intense spiritual practice. It’s not just by doing an hour of meditation per day, that’s enough to keep going on, without losing the track. Without losing the path, without getting lost in the world. An hour of meditation per day is just enough to allow us to keep alive, but if we want to really find the truth. Then we have to go through very intense meditation periods. It might be meditation retreats, a bit by ourselves on our own or in the company of the master or the company of other satsangis. But if we want to realize this truth, we have to do alot of meditation. Keep it in mind it doesn’t just come by the way, it’s a very precious something. As we said in the beginning, it is the most precious thing the whole universe. So we really have to seek for it with a sincere, an incredibly sincere heart. An incredibly sincere intention, the intention is the most important thing in life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We have by any means to realize in this lifetime complete union with that spring of Divine Light that springs from the region of Truth. Having this determination is so very important on the spiritual path. Having this self-assurance that I will make it in this lifetime, I will reach there in this lifetime. Because if we convince ourselves that, I will not make it, I’m not able, I won’t succeed then there is no way for us to move on. So it’s very important to have this convention, so why not? I can make it. If other people have been able to, why shouldn’t I be? This was always my attitude on the Path. This full convention right from the beginning I will make it. So I will succeed. And it’s worthwhile anyway, even if you don’t succeed eventually. We get close there, but we don’t get fully there. It’s fine anyway. No problem. But having this enthusiasm, this self-assurance that I’m capable. I’m not a wrecked somebody. I’m incapable. I have all the potential and I can do it. This doesn’t mean that we have to behave arrogantly. No. That’s not the point. We have to be very humble. But have this self-value and self-esteem of ourselves. We don’t miss anything. We are full human beings, and any human being can do it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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