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Documents en langue anglaise
Enseignements de Maître Sirio

Drops of Wisdom on Yorkshire (England, 2014)
"The spiritual side of life, spiritual practice, aims to bring us to an experience of God. And what is the best way of experiencing God? What is the easiest way possible? Simply spend time with someone who has experienced God. That’s all there is to it. If we want to learn anything in life, we have to go to the experts, who know enough to help us experience it easily for ourselves. This is much easier than if we try on our own."
Autres publications

Full Circle by Kay Blok
"Where to begin.....before I was born, or this present moment now, or when I initially met Master Sirio Ji. This is the first time that I have tried to write a book; under normal circumstances I would never even attempt it, as I am dyslexic. Walking about for days thinking how to put all these experiences into some sort of order, a message seemed to convey “do not worry the book has been written already” so the Masters have been helping me. As I was having so many blessings, Master Sirio thought it could be helpful to others. Now I realise what an enormous privilege it is. Thank you."
Les revues
Ici vous trouvez des revues lieés á Maître Sirio et l'ashram de Sant Bani, Ribolla (Italie).

Sant Bani - The Voice of the Saints - April 1980
The second world tour of Sant Ajaib Singh Ji has been announced, which first location was the Sant Bani Ashram, Ribolla (Italy).

Sant Bani - The Voice of the Saints - June 1980
"SANT BANI ASHRAM, RIBOLLA, ITALY, MAY 26: Day One of the Tour finds us here in this incredibly beautiful ashram located in the hill country about one hundred miles north of Rome. Four hundred acres of rolling grassland, gardens and orchards of olive trees constitute the physical property of this ashram, purchased only a year ago by the Italian satsangis. A house has been built, with Master's grace, and the Master and His party and a number of other dear ones are accommodated very comfortably in it. Many others are camping out-including a number of families with children-and still others are staying at a hotel in Ribolla, at the foot of the mountain." - Russel Perkins

Sant Bani - The Voice of the Saints - August 1989
"The ashram in Italy is one of the most beautiful places on this earth. It is absolutely exquisite; it's like a jewel. It's in the Appenine hills, not very far from Saint Francis' country, in Tuscany, what we might call the "spiritual" part of Italy; and it is not far from the coast either, although you can't see the coast from the ashram. What you do see is a magnificent, beautiful sweep of mountains and hillside; and of course when the Master is there you see all kinds of tents and travel vehicles, etc., dotted on the near hillside, and all kinds of people who are there because of Him." Russel Perkins August 1989

Sant Bani - The Voice of the Saints - September 1989
To Become A True Disciple by Sant Ajaib Singh Ji
This discourse was given on May 25, 1989, at Sant Bani Ashram, Ribolla, Italy.