The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“Everything undergoes continuously the process of creating, sustaining, and destroying. These are the forever-existent aspects of life. And as I said, this never had a beginning and never will have an end.”
“Why does this Supreme Being manifest all this phenomenon? Because he wants to see Himself endlessly manifested. And all this that comes into manifestation, we find peace only when we consciously go back into the Divine and become consciously part of the Divine. So Master says, get out of this wheel of transmigration. Get out of this play of action and reaction. As far as you perform actions in the awareness of thinking that you are the doer, you will be bound by your actions. And for this, you will have to keep returning. But once you acquire the awareness that you do nothing, and everything is done by him, and you keep living your life with this attitude, with this awareness that He is the doer and you are not, then that’s how you get rid of this binding karma or action and reaction. This doesn’t mean we have to act irresponsibly because then we are given teachings by which we should regulate our lives. If we behave irresponsibly, then we create karma that binds us. We have to be very responsible and act with full awareness of what’s the consequences of what we do.”
“We have to experience ourselves as spiritual beings. Believing that we are spiritual beings is not enough. We have to learn to die while alive. We have to experience this process of withdrawing from the physical body to any extent while we are in this physical body. So for this, we have to meditate. That’s why Masters keep inspiring us to do our meditation because it’s only when we transcend the physical body that we experience the fact that we are Light and not physical, and not just flesh and bones. No, you’re not just these. We are Light because we come from the ocean of Light and we are made of the same substance. So any meditation sitting we have, it’s an attempt to experience this fact, this phenomenon of the consciousness withdrawing from the physical body and experiencing itself as nonphysical.”
“You must become practitioners who experience something real and alive, something that continually renews your psyche and deepens your understanding of life. It keeps inspiring you. The Path has to be on a live Path. Master Kirpal used to say, what does the Master do when you are in his company? He revolutionalized the thought patterns of the people because we tend to create a belief system all the time.”
“We must admit by ourselves we are capable of doing very little. Therefore, we need the help, inspiration, guidance, and atmosphere that surrounds the Master to have the Naam manifested within us. At least, in my case, the company of my Master has always been the most helping factor in my spiritual adventure, progress, and staying on the Path. Without the living Master, we get nowhere.”
“When we say we are conscious beings when we say consciousness, it’s not the same thing always. There are levels and levels of consciousness and levels and levels of attention. So we can be less conscious, more conscious, or incredibly conscious. So we are conscious when we live our life, mostly under the dominion of the mind, under the dominion of our thoughts that move our life in all possible ways. Mostly, we don’t decide anything. Our thoughts decide for us. They come, create a stimulus in us, and we act accordingly. So we are conscious and unconscious because there is little free action from our side. We are mostly moved by our thoughts. So we can be more cautious when we sharpen our attention. When we are really focused on something, and that’s what gives pleasure to life, to be involved, to be focused, concentrated, then you can do anything you want. You are happy. You feel fulfilled because you are conscious. You are doing something with involvement. You are fully there. And then you can be super conscious. That happens when you withdraw from the physical body and you step into another level of being, another dimension in which your perception becomes so broadened 10 times fold. Then you’re superconscious because you’re going to the details. You’re going to mind everything. You go into the subtleties. And that’s what makes us special human beings. Who is a special human being? The one who experiences superconsciousness. Otherwise, we are ordinary human beings or a bit better, but always ordinary. What makes us extraordinary is if we are lucky enough to step into a state of superconsciousness, a broad consciousness in which we perceive everything as 1. And these also happen at several degrees. There also there are several levels.”
“Take the Path to your heart. Make it the most important thing of your life because it’s worthwhile. When you will come to the end of your life, that’s what will be your treasure. That is what you will take with you out of this world. All the experiences and all the impressions which are imprinted in your deepest self will go with you. Nothing else will go with you.”
“Master Kirpal used to say that the Bhajan singing is meant to develop or increase receptivity. And we can all feel it. When we sing the Bhajans, something happens inside of our body, very deep inside of our cells. It is said that this human body is made of at least 70% water. And, water or, anyway, liquids, are very easily affected by higher frequencies. It was a Japanese scientist who made this study about the molecules of the water, and how they are transformed when they are exposed to a Bhajan singing or a Mantra singing. If you look at the molecules before they are exposed to the singing, they have a shape that is shapeless, not a nice shape. But when they are exposed to these frequencies of the holy songs or mantras, then they take a shape like a mandala or a yantra, which is very beautiful and very harmonious. Therefore, when we sing the Bhjans, our cells, which are, swimming actually in liquids, in water, feel this effect. There is this, transformation happening in the molecules of the cells, of the liquids contained by the cells. So it’s very healthy. It’s very beneficial at all levels. Physically, because of the effect they have on the cells. Mentally, because, of course, melodies are pleasant for the mind. And the mind becomes joyful, peaceful, relaxed, and calm when we see the Bhajans.”
“In the adventure of the soul or the adventure of consciousness coming into existence, it experiences itself through all the levels of creation, through all the kingdoms of creation. From the mineral to the vegetable or vegetation. To the insects and animals, and eventually to the humans. And then as an angel, as a God or Goddess, and eventually as this Supreme Being. But all this journey is meant to return to the Supreme in full awareness of who we are. When we come out as an embryo of consciousness, we are aware of nothing. Going through all these long processes takes us back to the Supreme in full awareness of being the Supreme, and you become like God.”
“When one begins to feel the need to experience something higher, which is in the field of consciousness and spirit and Light, immaterial, then we can say we have reached a good point in our evolution. From then on, it may take a few lifetimes, and then we go back to the Source, to the Supreme. So let’s be happy for this. Let’s rejoice in this awareness. And let’s do our best to cooperate in this last leg of our evolution. Enjoy this journey. Enjoy this adventure in which we want to become from human to Divine. By winning overall, all our lust, anger, greed, attachment, egoism, vanity, and arrogance.”
“Those who do the meditation earn the profit and take it with them. So, Sant Ji often said, that the only wealth that you will take with you when you leave this world is your meditation. So, that’s the most precious thing we may gather when we are in this physical world. The love that we develop. The unconditional love for everything and everybody. That’s what we take with us, and that’s what joins together with the all-pervading love of the Supreme Being when we leave this world. Because that’s the most intrinsic nature of God, to be an intoxicating vast ocean of love, an unconditional love.”
“So when we come on a spiritual Path, when we attend the retreat and, we do our meditation, we do it with the purpose of one day we will succeed in making our soul fly up to Sach Khand which means up to the plane of Truth. And this has been accomplished by so many people in the course of history, and even nowadays so many people have done it. So it’s a possibility for each one of us to raise our consciousness so high as to reach the plane where Truth prevails and all illusion or falsehood, all negativity dies off, and disappears. On this journey, on this adventure, there are many obstacles. There are many hindrances. But, true seekers of Truth will never be stopped by any of them, and we’ll be able to overcome all of them and keep going. So, we need to be brave. We need to be strong. We need to be determined, and we need to be disciplined. If you have all these qualities, then the journey, the Path, is a possibility. If you don’t have them then let’s try to beat them up. That’s why we come on the Path. We don’t come on a Path because we are perfect. We come on a Path to perfect ourselves.”
“When I met Master Kirpal, I knew I had found my God, and His Path was also mine. These things are basic and fundamental for successful spiritual relations with the Master. To have a liking for this person for what radiates from him or her, to feel that this Path is also ours. If these things are present, then this relationship is going to last, and it’s going to bear wonderful fruits in time. We’ll be able to realize what the Master has realized. We’ll make his Path our own, and we’ll be able to bring it to others. We should not have enough of following the Master. We should become like the Master. Master Kripal used to say, don’t be a Christian. You be a Christ. Don’t be a Buddhist. Be a Buddha. So also in the Path, you don’t just be a follower of a Path or a follower of a Master, become yourself a Master. Try to make the Path fully your own and go through it and benefit from it.”
“The Path is a precious something. It’s something that works if you use it if you get busy with it. You can have a wonderful life being on the Path. Be inspired, be intuitive, be bright, be joyful, blissful, and ecstatic. This is what the Path can give us. But we have to use it! We have to get involved in it.”
“One has to find ways to make the Path and practice work. And at some point the way you doing it doesn’t work invent something. Be inventive, and find a way that it works. Because the Path is alive something, and all the alive things tend to stagnate. It’s in the nature of things. We create something, it is kept alive for a certain period, and then it goes to stagnation, deterioration, and death. It’s about everything. Everything undergoes this process. So, also the practice. We begin doing something in the beginning it’s effective. After sometimes less effective. After some time again not effective at all. So, we have to invent something else. And you know I can tell you the way it works for me, but maybe it won’t work with you. So, you have to invent it for yourself. You have to find out for yourself the way it works with you because we are all different. I may give you tips and hints, but you may try, but you have to be inventive.”
“Master Kirpal and Sant Ji always said when you begin with your meditation always start by singing a couple of songs that charge up the atmosphere, wake you up and then you have a better meditation.”
“There is no easy way to spiritual awakening. There is no easy way to spiritual enlightenment. There is no easy way to evolution of consciousness. It’s a long process. And it takes a lot of effort and discipline. It takes a lot of work on yourself to improve yourself. There is no cheap way. Cheap ways are for the stupid people who are not able and do not want to change their lives and habits, improve themselves, and be better, good, excellent human beings. So, there is no cheap way.”
“The other way to enjoy your life is just to be focused, fully focused on what you’re doing. And try to stop this chattering of the mind, this remembering and fantasizing about everything. So, just be there where you are. Do one thing at a time. Live in the living present. Do constant Simran. This is the way to keep your consciousness up. That’s all.”
“Constant Simran practice is the most helping factor in keeping the consciousness up and also in training ourselves in developing this habit, which then has to become a second nature of repeating the Simran. So, in all the mystical paths, this practice of constant repetition and constant remembrance is very much praised and advised, because that’s the way to keep tuned in with the Divine Presence. Because it is said that between the Named One and His Name, there is no difference. So if you repeat the names of what is your divinity, then you get tuned in with it and you get lots of blessings.”
“What is said in Satsang it’s precious, and it’s for improving our understanding of life and things. So, it’s a teaching that we should take to our heart and try to apply it to our lives. Food if it’s eaten gives us nourishment. If we leave it there, it will not nourish us. So, the teachings are the same thing. It’s nourishment for your soul, for your mind, and for your life. Use them!”