The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“I’m flooded with Your grace and it transforms me and surprises me because I realize that, beyond the mind, there is nothing but You within me.”
“Thus is told the story of our soul, that it was born from the Eternal and after this wandering in the creation, and over time, to the beyond it will be taken by the irresistible force that is exerted by its Origin upon it. Boundless ocean of light, its origin. It evaporated from that Ocean at some point in time, then energy thickened and hard matter it became, solid, cold as ice. Spring will come, summer also, and with its sun and heat it will melt the ice, that matter will soften, becoming fluid shining light of the same substance as that of the Eternal.”
“According to our magnetic field that is created by our thinking, by our psyche, we attract similar things, corresponding things, because his is one of the laws of life. We attract things that correspond to us. There’s the law of affinity, that makes things, people, everything come together according to their similar nature.”
“This is what Satsang is all about. Digging into the Truth and Reality of life.”
“Reality is the mind blowing…”
“The real nourishment, the real sweet food that the Path may give us and by which we might be nourished, it’s really love for the Master, love for the Supreme Being and love for our Brothers and Sisters.”
“Any person experiencing the Truth, will experience it in a different way. Each and every person of us is a Path in Himself.”
“If we are sincere, we are attracting in our life situations, which are going to be good for us, which are going to build up our life and build us up as real human beings.”
“If we are smart enough, intelligent enough, we should really care about the relation with the Master. Because if we care about this relation then we will care to please the Master, and in this way we will transform our life. Otherwise, we stay what we are, always!”
“We go into a spiritual school to expand, to go beyond the limits of our ego. Because before we going that school we are just horrible beings most of the time, full of ourselves!”
„Realizing, experiencing something within is very easy when it happens, because it’s pure grace always! But then actualizing it in our life, that is our work!”
“We may believing so many things, we might do so many things in life, but what counts eventually at the end it’s how good and how bad we are.”
“Spiritual practice makes us more human, better people. Otherwise it’s no use.”
“At a certain point we have to make peace with life, with ourselves, with what happens and just take it as it is, easily with no problem. It’s fine!”
„The more we are able to direct and focus our attention the more we acquire self-control over our mind or thoughts.”
“Masters come to make the spiritual path fresh, alive and functioning…”
“It a matter of very good luck meeting with a Master, by meeting whom great things are happening in life. And not so much because maybe we become convinced of some kind of philosophy, of some kind of doctrine, or theology, but because we have a direct personal experience of the Divinity.”
“We are always craving for those things, which are unimportant.”
“If we act wisely now and develop an incredible strength to be capable of facing the situations without being to much shaking by them, then we definitely can shape our future.”
“Satsang is a great tool for introspection and awareness, to revolutionize the beliefs, the static nature of unenlightened thought, provide stimulation, enthusiasm, desire to start again for the great adventure of those who seek the Truth beyond appearances.”