Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“We can know ourselves only when we rise above the influence of mind and Maya; then only will we realize for ourselves who we are. We are one ray of God. Our soul is of the essence of the Oversoul. And when we experience this within us – that we are all souls and of the essence of the Oversoul – we see soul in everybody and we love everybody, understanding him as a soul and not the body. It doesn’t matter whether he is good or bad in nature – we have to love him, knowing that he is soul, and of the essence of the Oversoul, and that Master Kirpal is sitting in him.

It has come in my experience about Master Kirpal that He is the owner of all creation – that He is all pervading. In water there is Kirpal; on earth there is Kirpal. It was Kirpal, it will be Kirpal, it is Kirpal. Here is Kirpal; there is also Kirpal – that Kirpal Who gave salvation to our soul; that Kirpal Who has united us with our long-separated God, and even now Who is all pervading.

Those who are meditating can go and meet Him even today. And that Kirpal was never born; never died; and He was never in the cycle of birth and death. As long as there was Hukam [God’s Will], He worked while staying in the body, and only with Hukam He left the body. He comes in the body with Hukam and leaves it with Hukam. He disappears for those people who are not doing meditations, but He never disappears for those who are doing meditations and who are contacting Him.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“If you turn your face to Him, He will be guiding you and speaking to you, by manifesting Himself and in other ways. If He does so once, twice, or four times, and you don’t care, you lose your chance. But still He’s there: whenever you turn your face to Him, He’s there.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“At the time of Initiation Saints tell us some habits from which we have to abstain. They tell us to give up wine; to develop humility within us; and to meditate on Shabd Naam. They tell us to give up egoism because egoism is the greatest obstacle between us and God. What is egoism? It is egoism when we are always thinking “This is my community,” “This is my family,” “This is my country,” “These are my things” – all the belongings. Guru Nanak Sahib said, “Egoism is the greatest disease – it is incurable.” But then He said, “If the disease is within us, its medicine is also within us.” God Himself, when He wants to shower His grace on some soul, brings the soul to the path of Shabd Naam. Death comes from within man and the power of survival also comes from within. That is why Saints say to develop humility, give up bad deeds and do good deeds.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Do your best and leave the rest to the Master-Power overhead and leave off all worry and anxiety. It is time to be gay and happy.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“How wonderful it is to surrender completely to one who is competent and loving, and to feel His loving presence and grace working in every sphere of life. The more one is able to develop receptivity by keeping His commandments, the more he or she is able to feel, retain and enjoy His grace. The Master’s grace is boundless.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“Satguru never forgets anything, He never makes any mistakes. After giving us the Initiation He never forgets that He has initiated us. In fact, God Almighty Himself has come into the world in the Form of the Satguru. And while giving us the Initiation He never makes a mistake, and He always remembers us. He always gives us those things which we need. When do we lose faith in Him? When do we stop devoting ourselves to Him? Only when we start craving for more things than we need and create more desires than we should; when those desires are not fulfilled, then we start losing faith in the Master.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“I was just speaking something about Satsang, or joining the holy congregation of a Saint. It is a school where you are not only taught but are given a demonstration of the God within you. If you want to become educated in a particular subject, you have to go to a school or college where that subject is taught. If you want to learn about your physical body, how it is retarded and how it can be renewed, you have to go to a school where the subject of how to have sound health is taught. If you want to learn engineering, you will have to go to a school where there is some engineer to teach you. So really, this school where you are now sitting is a school where “how to meet God” is taught. Satsang is a school where somebody is sitting who knows God, who sees God and who is competent to give others some demonstration of the God within them, some capital to start with. Such a school only is called Satsang. The word “Satsang” means actually uniting the soul with the all pervading, all existing God. This is possible only when our soul has been analyzed from mind and the outgoing faculties. When we know ourselves, only then are we in a position to know the God who is pervading all, who is controlling all, in whom we live and have our being.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“The living Master connects your soul with Almighty Lord and He gives to you according to your receptivity. The giver does not have any difficulty because He has come into this world to give. The question lies with the receivers. It depends upon how much receptivity we have. It depends upon our yearning. So I say that it was the most pleasant time in my life when the yearning to do the devotion of God was created within this soul, and when God Kirpal Himself came to this place to quench my soul’s thirst and to satisfy my yearning.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“The involuntary tears that flow down the cheeks in loving remembrance of the Master will wash away all the dirt of mind.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“We cannot describe the glory of the Master, because He is limitless. He is gracious, and He can take anyone He wants to the Court of the Lord, because God has given Him permission to bring anyone He wants, and has told Him that He will accept all those who come with Him, no matter how they are. All those who go with the Master are accepted by God, and they are all forgiven.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“All Masters who came in the past were the children of light. Whenever they came, they gave light to all the world. They came not for one nation, for one country, for one social religion or another, but for all mankind, to lead them back to their Father’s home. Whatever they found helpful on the Godway, they recorded in their scriptures. “I am the light of the world, and he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”, said Jesus.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“When we repeat the Simran, when we meditate, we have to do it with all of our heart. It works only if you do it with all of our heart. Sant Ajaib Singh used to say, “Don’t do meditation feeling it as a burden, do it with love, because only if you do it with love the Master will be pleased”. So, when we sit in meditation, we should sit with such a pleasure, the pleasure of doing it, it is so great to meditate! So, we should really put all of our attention into it.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should always keep our attention turned towards the most important factors of life, the purpose of our life, why we came here.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The main purpose of life is to realise Divinity.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should be convinced that it’s only by the grace of our Satguru will be able to give shape to our distorted condition, to make it smooth, peaceful and loving.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Master Kirpal used to say that what one person has done, we can all do. So why not just go ahead and do it? We can all become great beings, beings full of Light, full of joy, full of Love. It’s there for everyone, but we have to want it, and to give it priority above everything else. Only then will it work. Even if you are unable to be a great meditator and do a lot of practice, whatever you are able to do is going to help you, because you start from where you are. Each one of us has a certain potential, and how far are able to go in any field of life is determined by our potential. In this case too, everyone has to start what he has. You can’t be someone else, possessing his or her strength or capacity. All you have is your own capacity.
So, we start with the potential we have and try to develop it. That is what I did. In my life, I have always spent time with spiritual people. I have held retreats, I do my practice, I spent time with my Masters and in this way, by and by, you get into it very deeply. It becomes yours—obviously. There are some who say that only people from a certain part of the world can realise this, that only people belonging to a certain race or a certain religion can realise this, but that’s not true. Every human being has spiritual potential. Spirituality is not only for Indians, or Japanese, or Americans or Europeans, it’s for everybody. It is there for everyone!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

„We look for a Path, we go to a Master, we take initiation then we have to do our practice and keep nurturing our spiritual perception; the seed, which has been planted at initiation. Keep watering it through our meditation and let it grow.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We should make an effort in our life to get close to the Truth. So, we should seek for the Divine grace. This is the greatest purpose of life, to get the grace of God. That is what makes our life complete.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

„We can have joy and peace in life if we accept life the way it comes.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Life is never difficult if we love what we are doing. Life becomes difficult when we don’t like what we are doing.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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