The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“Maulana Rumi says, ” We have already been in heaven. So why don’t we go farther on? The Absolute, it’s our goal. So it’s important to understand what we are.What’s the purpose of life. What we are here for. We are here to become complete human beings. And a complete human beings it is a God in himself.”
“So in a way it’s a blessing to come in a physical body even if it
is troublesome. Master Kirpal often used to quote this sentence from the Quran thay says “When God made man he asked the angels to bow down to the human being.” Because it is said that it is only in this physical body and it is only as human beings. That we may realize the Supreme God. The Supreme Reality. It’s not given to the angels. It’s not given to the gods. They have to reincarnate in order to reach the absolute.”
“All the masters say that the evolution that happens in a lifetime in a physical body, is so much more than what may happen in the other higher planes of existence. Let’s say in heaven or whatever you want to call it. Because here we are pushed into situations. We experience lot of pain ,lot of sufferings. That means lot of lessons. By which we need to learn and grow.”
“So we are a part of this supreme consciousness. Which has come down into this body has taken up a body to make experiences. To experience life in order to grow. That’s the reason why we come in this world. To experience life in order to grow.”
“So anyway what are we if we are not this body, we are not this mind? Master kirpal used to say we are conscious beings. We are a drop of the ocean of all consciousness. So consciousness is what we are.”
“All of us have like two beings inside of us, a good person and a bad person. And we want to cling to the good person and give up the bad one. Because the bad person doesn’t make anybody happy.First of all , it doesn’t make ourselves happy. And then also the people with whom we relate.”
“But most of the people they just undergo their thoughts. Without any control over them. So seeking truth is meant for this. Seeking first of all , the truth of ourselves. Try to understand who we are what we are. Try to cultivate the good side of ourselves and give up the bad side.”
“It’s very difficult to acquire this self control over our thoughts. The one who succeeds is the great man. The great woman.”
“Most of the time we don’t like our mind means we don’t like what we think. Because it doesn’t bring any honor to us most of the time. But thanks God we also have a side of the mind which is bright which is Inspiring. Because also the mind has several sides, several levels. Very low level of these uncontrolled thoughts. But then there are also inspired thoughts. Creative thoughts. So that’s what we have to develop. That’s what we have to cling to and try to work on so that we make a very healthy mind. And meditation is definitely that’s what the purpose of meditation is trying to build a healthy mind. That means acquiring control over our thoughts and trying to direct them so that we are not slaves to our thoughts.”
“It’s very important to understand who we are what we are. So I am not this body.I am not this mind.”
“An intelligent person cannot believe we are just flesh and bones and then when we die it’s everything over.”
“If we analyze are thinking. It’s actually not are thinking. We don’t have any control of our thoughts.”
“Because with this body yes, we experience some joys some pleasurese but a lot of suffering really. Much more the suffering than the joy. So the trouble of existence. Existing in this world and in this body it’s heavy. It’s a cage. It’s a prison. So maybe we are something more.”
“Analyze yourself, try to understand who you are what you are. Because normally our concept or the concept we have of ourselves is wrong.”
“Sant Ji used to say, you never give up going down below the window of the Master and wait there for His grace. Because you never know when it’s going to come. When will it open the window, look at you, and shower you with grace? Now, we know that the window of the Master is the Third Eye. But the window of the Master is also being in His company and being present in any situation because we never know when the doors of grace will open up, and we will be blessed. So in the same way, we should never miss our meditation because that’s how we sit below the Master’s window and wait for his grace. Anyway, for long periods, there might be aridity, this sense of Vichora as they call it in India, means separation from the Master power. Yet, we must keep persevering and sit there making ourselves available. Because you never know when the doors of grace open up again and you’ll be blessed, and we’ll be tuned in again with His Holy presence. So a seeker of Truth will never miss getting up early in the morning. Get ready. Do some exercise. Make your body fit. Sing the holy songs of the Master, and then sit peacefully in meditation.”
“So we will never find rest , we will never feel fullfiled unless we will go back to our origin. And it seems obvious, if we look at nature, if we look at the events of life, everything tells us about the same storry, these same fenomenon, everything in creation tends to go back to it’s origin, because there we feel happy, there we feel fullfiled, complete.”
“All the problems are created by our mind, by the wrong understanding of things. If we understand wrong something, than of course we act wrong, and we make it worst. But if we understand properly something, we accept it and try to make it better, than definitely we will get better. So everything is born in the mind and it is there that we have to work, to act, by making it quite, peaceful, tranquil.”
“Everything we do on a spiritual path as far as practice is concern, philosophy of life is concern, lifestyle, is all meant to help us overcome this individual, separated “I”, and gain access to the Universal. This means expanding oneself more and more, getting out of the narrow cage of our tiny personality and becoming broader and broader.”
“Doing our spiritual practice exposes us to this possibility of becoming addicted to something. Something beyond something which is not of this world.”
“God is the only real thing, this world is perishable, it’s passing and going.”