AMSTERDAM 2025 – Weekend Retreat

Weekendretraite in De Horizon / Weekend Retreat at De Horizon

Lezingen | Meditatie | Sacred Songs en Mantra's | Concerten met Indiase Instrumenten | Persoonlijke Counseling | Hatha Yoga | Ayurvedische Hoofd- en Gezichtstherapie

Kom tot jezelf met deze weekendretraite in buurtcentrum De Horizon. Het weekend wordt kosteloos begeleid door twee zeer ervaren docenten op het gebied van Surat Shabd Yoga meditatie en Ayurveda: Satguru Sirio Ji (53 jaar ervaring) en Dori Ji (16 jaar ervaring).

Connect with your Higher, true self, during this unique weekend at neighbourhood centre De Horizon. In cooperation with Combiwel Buurtwerk, the Sant Bani Ashram Tuscany is offering a free weekend guided by highly experienced teachers in Surat Shabd Yoga meditation and Ayurveda: Master Sirio Ji (53 years of experience) and Dori Ji (16 years of experience).

This weekend offers a unique opportunity to try and learn a simple and effective method that you can continue applying at home.

This method helps you to:
• gain a calmer, quieter, and more focused mind;
• live your life fully in the present moment;
• experience increased well-being and contentment;
• develop a more loving, peaceful, accepting, and flexible attitude toward yourself, others,
and life in general;
• gain a deeper sense of purpose;
• experience yourself as pure consciousness, independent of body and mind, transcending
body and mind;
• explore the spiritual side of yourself, as to realize yourself as a complete human being.

How to join? Sign up quickly: spots are limited!
This program is offered to you freely by Sant Bani Ashram Tuscany and Combiwel Buurtwerk. All are welcome, but please register only if you are seriously interested in coming. After registering we’re counting on your presence. Please be aware that by staying away without notifying the organizers, you take away the opportunity from others to participate.

We hope to welcome you and share this life-transforming experience together!

Scroll naar beneden voor het registratieformulier! / Please scroll down for the registration form!

Program details

19 June Friday, 19:00 - 21:30

Sacred Music concert en de introducerende lezing / Sacred Music Concert and Introductory lecture:
“Surat Shabd Yoga: The Science of Spirituality – Transcending Place, Time and Religion – for all Seekers.”

de Horizon, Neighbourhood Centre (Combiwel buurtwerk)
Zaandammerplein 50, Amsterdam

What is yoga in the real sense of the word? Why is Surat Shabd Yoga a universal and timeless science no matter of place, culture or religion? Why is it important for us human beings and what is the use of it in our modern times?
What is the true essence of a human being? What makes a human being a complete and realised being? What is our true origin and why should we try to get in touch with our source of origin within? Is it only the privilege of some chosen ones or is it possible for anyone?
What is spiritual liberation and why should we try to achieve it? What is the most practical way to actualise it and what do we gain by it?
What does it mean to learn to die while we're alive? Why should we acquire such an experience and how could we do it?

If you are interested in these topics and would like to hear answers conveyed through a realised spiritual master, who has more than 50 years of practical experience in the field of spirituality, you are welcome to attend this meeting that might become the seed in the life of any sincere seeker, that eventually sprouts and brings you the fruit of spiritual enlightenment, illumination, liberation, moksha, Sach Kand...

During the meeting, we can enjoy sacred songs with Indian instruemnts, performed by the Sirio Nada Yoga Music Band,  which is followed by a spiritual discourse on the above-mentioned topics and a brief meditation sitting to experience the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga.

Those who are seriously interested in trying spiritual practice and stepping closer to meditation, are welcome on Saturday and Sunday 21-22 June to meet Satguru Sirio Ji again and have the chance to spend more time in his uplifting and inspiring company. Please scroll down to see the complete weekend program. No previous experience is required. If you have questions related to spirituality or whatever you experience during the meeting, you can ask Sirio Ji at the end of the meeting or Sunday when we organise a Questions and Answers session in the afternoon. Above this Sirio Ji offers the possibility of booking a 15-minutes personal coaching session with him.

"A human learns from a human. One who would like to know from the one who knows..."
"Spirituality is a free gift of nature, such as the earth, water and the air we breathe in."

Sirio Ji offers his vast spiritual treasure and knowledge free of charge to anyone who would like to realise his/her complete human potential and wants to become from an ordinary human being a divine being, a being of love and light.

Please note: 
"No payment is requested however registration is required to ensure space availability."

Kindly send in Registration by not later than 16/06/2025 for which you can find the contact information below.

21 Juni

de Horizon, Neighbourhood Centre (Combiwel buurtwerk)
Zaandammerplein 50, Amsterdam

08:00 – Begeleide en stille meditatiesessie geïntroduceerd en afgesloten door (mantra)zang.
11:00 – Hatha Yoga en pranayama-ademhalingsoefeningen, gevolgd door (mantra)zang en
een korte begeleide en stille meditatiesessie.
15:00 – Begeleide gesprekscirkel met deelnemers en docente Dori Ji.
16:30 – Satsang Masterclass: “Surat Shabd Yoga: coming to know yourself as pure
20:00 – Sacred Music concert – Een vocale uitvoering van The Sirio Band, begeleid door
Indiase snaarinstrumenten en percussie. Gezongen talen zijn Punjabi, Engels en Italiaans.

08:00 – Singing together followed by a guided and silent meditation session with Sirio Ji
11:00 – Hatha Yoga and pranayama breathing exercises with Dori Ji, followed by mantra
singing and a brief guided and silent meditation session with Sirio Ji
15:00 - Conversion circle and sharing with Dori Ji
16:30 – Satsang Masterclass: “Surat Shabd Yoga: coming to know yourself as pure
20:00 – Nada Yoga Meditative concert – Vocal performance of The Sirio Band with Indian
string instruments and percussion.

22 Juni

de Horizon, Neighbourhood Centre (Combiwel buurtwerk)
Zaandammerplein 50, Amsterdam

08:00 – Begeleide en stille meditatiesessie geïntroduceerd en afgesloten door (mantra)zang.
11:00 – Hatha Yoga en pranayama-ademhalingsoefeningen, gevolgd door (mantra)zang en
een korte begeleide en stille meditatiesessie.
14:00 – Persoonlijke coachingsessie (15 min.) met Sirio Ji (exclusief voor deelnemers aan het
volledige programma).
14:00 – Ayurvedische hoofd- en gezichtsmassagetherapie (15 min.) met Dori Ji (exclusief
voor deelnemers aan het volledige programma).
16:30 – Samenvattende Masterclass en Q&A-sessie met Sirio Ji. Er is een Nederlandse tolk
aanwezig, die Nederlandse vragen en Engelse antwoorden kan vertalen.

08:00 – Singing together followed by a guided and silent meditation session with Sirio Ji
11:00 – Hatha Yoga and pranayama breathing exercises with Dori Ji, followed by mantra
singing and a brief guided and silent meditation session with Sirio Ji
14:00 – Personal coaching sessions with Sirio Ji (Only upon previous registration and only for
those who participate in the whole program.)
14:00 – 15-minute Sacral Ayurvedic Head and Face Massage Therapy with Dori Ji (Only upon
previous registration and only for those who participate in the whole program.)
16:30 – Masterclass: Summing up and Q&A session with Sirio Ji

Event Details

Where? Buurtcentrum De Horizon, Zaandammerplein 50
When? June 20, 21, and 22
Cost? Participation is free of charge, but not free of commitment. By signing up, we’re expecting you!
During breaks, (warm) vegetarian meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) will be available at reasonable prices, and you can share and connect with others in specially designed lounge areas and the garden of the neighbourhood centre. Tea, coffee and water are offered for free during the whole program. If you would like to enjoy the vegetarian meals made with love, please note that there’s a small contribution fee for them and you should book in advance as we’re against food waste.

Kindly send your registration no later than the 16th of June.

Registratieformulier / Registration form

Aan welk(e) programma('s) wil je deelnemen?/ In which program(s) would you like to participate?(required)


You can also register by sending an email to: Or phone the local organizer: +31618424981

Deel de informatie met vrienden en familie met slechts één klik! / Share the information with friends and family with just one click!

Als je de informatie die je zoekt niet hebt gevonden, aarzel dan niet om rechtstreeks contact met ons op te nemen via het registratieformulier of stuur een e-mail naar en we beantwoorden graag al je vragen.

If you haven't found the information you were looking for, don't hesitate to contact us directly through the registration form or email us at and we're happy to reply to any inquiry.