Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“For a seeker of Truth, for a lover of God is very important to keep the love, the devotion always alive, intense, heartfelt. Because it’s only when the intense love for God is present that a spiritual life it’s possible. Otherwise there is no real spiritual life. Spiritual life means to be tuned in with the Holy Spirit. And this Holy Spirit is the all pervading presence of God. So, we are immersed in this Divine presence, but most of the time we are unaware of it. We have to become as aware as possible of this fact.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Let’s be practical. Let’s be smart. Let’s be in control of our life. Let’s take our life into our hands; and direct it in the way we want. We don’t have to live a miserable life; we want a Real, Divine life. We want to tune in with the Divine. We want to live this as much as possible this life already, as if we were in heaven as if we were already in Sach Khand. As much as possible, we want to bring down into our life the Divine. There are two ways. Either we go to Him, or He comes to us. Both ways are possible. Sometimes we feel that we are uplifted, risen above body consciousness, and we merge into some higher planes of existence. Sometimes we feel saturated with the Divine in this very body; all body begins to be Divine, vibrating with the Divine presence.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s a great blessing to have the need of longing for something, which can not be defined, but which is a natural innate need of our deeper self for something higher, something that transcends the body and the mind, the physicality. This need can be a kind of torment, but that is the only way to realize what Truth and Reality are. So, this is love for something that goes beyond something that is transcendental. And those people who have it they are the lucky ones. Otherwise, it is just playing life with no perspective. If you always live in a plain area, you will never see the mountains, you don’t know what is a wider perspective. You can just see in front of you as far as the eye goes, but if you can climb a peak, then you can have such a wide view, 360 degrees. So, those who climb the mountains have the need for this wider perspective, for the exhilarating feeling that comes when you are up there. The same is for those who climb the peaks of spirit. They need to come up high and have a wider perspective of this material world and this material life. So, our spiritual practice is the hiking that we have to do to reach these peaks. Sometimes the grace of God comes, and you get there right away. It is like a helicopter taking you to the peak. Otherwise, you have to climb your way with much effort. So, the helicopter comes into play sometimes, but most of the time, you have to climb. So, our daily spiritual practice is what we have to do!”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Feeling the Holy presence that is what gives us real freedom, real well-being. But we have to expose ourselves to situations where these may happen. We have to look for these with intensity, with all of our beings, want it, pray for it. This can happen when we withdraw from the world, give aside everything for a time and intensely do our spiritual practice, especially if we do it together with our Master. Then we feel His Holy presence permeating our body and saturating our mind. Then our all being is saturated and feeling the Divine and all our fibres vibrate like a musical instrument. Became like music, like sound, all of our beings begin sounding and vibrating. So, we will become harmony, we will become a melody, we will be a sounding being, saturated with His light and sound.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Sometimes the grace of God flows spontaneously, all of a sudden when you don’t think of it when you don’t expect maybe. So, you never know when the grace of God may descend upon you and bless your life by saturating you with bliss, ecstasy, and intoxication. So, we have to expose ourselves to the spiritual practice that makes this possible. Sant Ji used to say, “You have to sit below the Master’s window and wait there. You never know when He comes and pours something up on your head.” So, sitting at the Third Eye is sitting at the Master’s door or the Master’s window and wait patiently, that He showers His grace.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“People who have no spiritual awareness whatsoever, who have never touched anyway the other dimension, the higher planes of existence they have a heavy consciousness, a heavy mind, and a heavy body. So, that’s the condition, which we may define as which dominates earth and water, which are heavy elements. In the spiritual people, those who do the meditation, those who get the grace of the Master and experience to a certain degree contact with the Divine Light, in them these other elements become predominant, that of ether and air. Consequently, subtle and light one feels when it is touched by such a condition, by such a blessing. One feels like somehow being suspended in the air, flooding in the air, even if your body is still there on the ground, yet you feel you are like suspended in the air. And that’s a wonderful condition.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The Simran that we repeat are the names of God, and there is no difference between the name and the named One. So, if we keep repeating the Simran eventually we unite with the named One. With the One from whom these names stand for. It’s a way of making this inner journey. It might be other ways also, but this is the most common way in all the spiritual traditions. Japa, mantra repetition, and Simran is always the main practice. Singing the Bhajans is more or less the same. We are singing praises to God. It’s love, it’s devotion. So, these are practices by which we attract into our awareness, into our life the grace and presence of God. And it’s a super protective shield. If you are in remembrance of God so many problems of life, just disappear. And our life runs as smoothly as possible. As we progress on the Path, life becomes more and more harmonious, fluid, and melodious. This is like making music. When you go deep into it and you catch the wave, then rhythm becomes melody and harmony. So, if we want to be our life a wonderful life then we have to engage in spiritual practice.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“If we want to achieve Truth, what do we have to do? We have to associate with good people who are working in this direction. All the people who had become great people in this world they have always associated with like minded people. And if you are lucky enough to meet a real Master, a Master who had dedicated all His life to this quest, with this practice then that’s the most lucky thing we may get in our lives, we may experience in our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Satsang is very precious, because we just point on what is important about life. So, we try to understand what is the Truth of existence and we try to find ways to get close to that. Let’s say that above the illusion of duality or Maya, there is a Supreme Truth that above this apparent falsehood and negativity that we see in this world, there is also somewhere up there a plane of beauty, Truth, love, Reality. So, we want to get to that! We would like to reach that condition in which these excellent qualities prevail in our lives. So, how do we do it? We do it by following a Path of self-discipline, self-control in which we will become the Masters of ourselves, of our life, of our condition and we straighten it up.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In our spiritual Path falling in love, it’s fundamental, very important. If we don’t fall in love, then we are loveless. A spiritual Path is possible to treat only if we are lucky enough to fall in love. Meditation is possible to do it only if we love doing it. So, it’s the matter of the heart, it’s a matter of liking doing something. We have to become spiritually inclined. If we are not spiritually inclined, then we are inclined towards the world and the pleasures of the world, and we do that. But if you want to raise above this morbid human condition then we have to fall in love with the Light of God manifested into the Guru. That’s how it works. Falling in love with the Absolute, Formless, the Infinite it’s very difficult. If we fall in love with then Guru, then by and by we fall in love with the Absolute, Formless, Nameless.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The bhajan singing or holy songs that we sing there meant to create a charged up atmosphere, and they’re also meant to increase our receptivity to His holy presence. These two factors are very important for spiritual practice. The changed up atmosphere and our receptivity. The more we are receptive to it, the easier it is to break the chain of thoughts and raise above body consciousness. So, in my experience it’s always very beneficial to begin the practice with 2-3 of these holy songs, so has to create, charge up the atmosphere and it’s a scientific fact that by singing these songs all the fluids of the body, all the cells of the body become charged up, harmonized, transformed. This body is made up 70 % of water and especially the liquids are very easily transform by this charged up atmosphere with comes from singing these holy songs. So, that’s very beneficial at the physical level first of all and then at the spiritual level. All of our being drives to benefit, it’s improved, boosted up, it’s a healing process.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The purpose why we come on a spiritual Path and do the spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Truth. And for doing so the meeting with someone who has had already this experience is so very fundamental, so very important. Any job we want to learn, any skill we want to learn so important to have the guidance, the help, the example of somebody who is skilled in that craft. Similarly, on the spiritual Path, in order to keep going, in order to make it successful we need the help, the inspiration, the guidance that comes from a living Master.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The Path works if we involve ourselves with all the aspects of the Path. And the most important aspect of the Path, the most important practice is being in the company of the Master, attending His retreats and meditate with Him, that’s the most helpful factor.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When you are in love, even romantically, sentimentally you don’t need to do anything, you are just blissful. Even more when you are in love with the Divine, when you are in love with your Satguru then you don’t really need to do anything to have a wonderful meditation. You just close your eyes and you feel that all your body saturated with the bliss of ecstasy. And you don’t need anything else, you don’t need to do anything, you just have to let go, surrender and strengthen this perception and it just happens by itself. You don’t need to provoke it, you just need to surrender and let go and you just fall into this pool of nectar.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we have love laden devotion and if our devotion it’s so saturated with love, then life it’s a poem, life it’s a rose, it will be a fantastic experience. So, when we have those moments in life in which we have this love saturated devotion or this devotion saturated with love then those are the real moments that we should keep remembering, because they won’t stay forever. So, those are the precious memories, the jewels that adorn our life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Master Kirpal used to say “Prayer succeeds there where all the human efforts fail”. So, let’s pray! We don’t have to pray for the things of the world, we don’t need to. If we do and focus on our spiritual work then all what we really need is granted to us.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When our mind is wandering here and there it’s not focused on the Beloved, it’s not focused on the object of our devotion, just wondering, lost. So, we have to do our best to stop this wandering of the mind, at least reduce it and when we go deep into meditation stop it completely.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Every real devotee, every real honest, true seeker of Truth wants to actualize to come to that point in life in which we are always absorbed in the presence of the Lord.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We have to develop a ruling passion for something transcendental, something spiritual, something that goes beyond body and mind. And in this endeavour, in this experiment there are a lot of up and downs, there is a lot of fight with ourselves, with our lower tendencies, with our habits and we have to keep facing this fight and keep going. With this certainty that eventually we will be succeed.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Do your best to be happy as much as you can no matter what happens. We want to succeed in not being crushed by any situation in life, we want to survive and survive happily with joy.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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