Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“All initiates are on the Way. Some have developed more than others, so some may have more faults and failings than the others. We have to hate the sin and love the sinner.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“We should thank the Almighty Lord Who has given us this beautiful body, Who has given us good health, and so many other comforts in this world. He has sent us into this world, saying: “I am separating you from Myself and I am sending you into the world; but those who make the effort and do the devotion of the Lord will be able to come back to the Real Home. Their devotion will bring the highest prize: coming back to the Real Home from which I am separating you.” He has sent His beloveds, His dear children, the Saints, into this world, and They have always given us these teachings and inspired us to do the devotion of God which enables us to go back to the Real Home. After coming into this world, Saints do not tell us to sit idle and do nothing. They tell us, “As there is disease, so there is remedy.” There is a remedy for every disease. They ceaselessly tell us to make efforts.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“The simran of the objects of the world should be replaced by the simran of God, and thoughts of the world by contemplation of the Master, who is God incarnate. Thus is imprinted on our subconscious mind the impression of God in the form of our Satguru.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“If you want to accomplish anything in this world, the first thing required is to have faith, to have belief. When we are traveling in a train, going over rivers on the bridges built by engineers, we have faith in those engineers that their bridges will not break down. We surrender our precious lives in their hands and travel in the train without any worries. Fearlessly, we sleep all night while the train crosses bridge after bridge. In the same way, when we fly in the air, we go up miles above the earth. We surrender our lives to the pilots and the engineers because we have faith in them that they will take us to the right place and that they are able to take us where we want to go.
Similarly, when we enter into Sant Mat, in the beginning we need much faith in the Master. If we have any doubt, we cannot progress and the way to Him will not be open to us. We can deceive and misguide the people, but we cannot deceive that God Which is within us; we cannot play tricks on Him. In the beginning we need to build up faith outwardly and, after that, when we go within and see with our own eyes, we realize that we need not worry about anything: because the God Who is residing within us is concerned about us and He is doing everything for us.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“Changing over from material to spiritual man is the most difficult part of spirituality and when you learn to perfect yourself in that field, then God-realization is not difficult.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

Whenever the Saints and Mahatmas, the beloveds of God, have come into this world, They have told us about the value of the
human body. They have explained to us why God Almighty has given us this human birth; as a result of which good karmas of our past we have been blessed with this gift of the human body; and They have told us how, while sitting within this human body, we have to surrender ourselves to God Almighty and do His devotion. They have also given us information about those elements who are residing within us and misleading us; and They have also told us about those good elements within us which inspire us to do the devotion of God. But they did not only give us that information; They also taught us the way to enter this human body. Furthermore: They not only gave us the information we needed, and They not only taught us how to go into the human body, but They also gave us a promise: “If you withdraw your attention from outside and come within to the eye center, We will be there to help you.”

— Sant Ajaib Singh

“We do not realize what a blessing we have. Make the best use of it. “God made flesh has come—has entered my house and given me a contact. O mind, don’t rest for a moment.” And that’s the main object of man’s life. In this human body you can go back to your home and in no other. You are fortunate you have the human body. What you can do here in a short time cannot be done in the other world—the higher planes—in ten times as long. Every day, every hour, every minute, brings us closer to the end of the human body. So hurry up! Repose; just go into the lap of the mother. Nothing further to be done.”

— Sant Kirpal Singh

“How to find peace? How we human beings may leave in peace with other and with ourselves? Well, we have to begin with ourselves. We will be in peace with others only when we are at peace with ourselves. If we cultivate this peaceful attitude, this non-reactive attitude when difficult situations do arise, if we are able to not be easily hurt, be strong, capable to control our emotions then there is a possibility of being at peace, no hurt others and not being hurt by others.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Man wants peace, we all like to have peace in our life, around us and in the world, but the only real peace that we may find it’s with us, with ourselves, inside of us.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“It’s in the suffering, in the pain and in the crisis there we find the strength to win over our weak nature.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Those people who have the good luck of being good, loving, positive people, they should try to radiate as much as possible the wave of Light and Love into the atmosphere to balance the other side.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“When we deeply meditate we give up the thinking process. In the thinking process there is always a mixture of true things, false things, illusions and Truth. When we raise above this thinking machine, which is in our head all the time then there is silence, there is peace that’s Truth. And it’s also freedom, freedom from the obsession of thoughts.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“You don’t just be happy being called a Satsangi, called a disciple, you be one! Don’t just be happy with getting something and no follow it or follow it in a bad way. You follow it with all of your heart, with all of your being. Be true to the choice you make in life! When we take initiation we promise that we live a certain lifestyle and we do our spiritual practice. So, if we want to be Satsangi keep doing what we promised at initiation.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Very often the toughest the lesson the most we learn. Crisis very often are blessings dressed up as a hard lesson. And the more the problems seems to be without a solution, the more we learn and the more we grow. What matters is the outcome, what we learn from any lesson and how much we change and transform ourselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In life so many things might happen. We are being in good health or no good health. We can have easy situations in life or difficult situations in life. But whichever it is the situation, we don’t let the situation to crash us. We deeply know that it’s a lesson through, which we need to learn something. So, we face the situation and learn the lesson.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“A true disciple He will face life the way it comes, if it’s possible to be joyful it will be joyful, if it’s not possible and we go through a tough time in our life He will face that with bravery, but keep pursuing His on Truth.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“People follow illusion after illusion. I delude myself that this is going to give meaning to my life, make me happy, make me fulfilled. But time pases and I found out was not true. Then we find something else, another illusion, “oh this is what I really like now” and illusion after the other, eventually we are totally disappointed. We never get the real fulfillment. Through the outer things, which we get from the outer world we never find complete fulfillment.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Anything that is in this physical world it is a bad reproduction of what is on the other world. In this world we have wine, which makes from grapes and contains alcohol to make ourselves drunk and intoxicated. But this is just a bad reproduction of what it is the Divine ecstasy and the Divine intoxication. That kind of a intoxication makes us holy, wise, great people. That is the difference.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What in this world can be equal to having one’s consciousness saturated with Divine Light, with Divine Presence? Nothing can be compared to this, just nothing. There is nothing in this world, no sensual pleasure that may give us such a gratification.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The spiritual transmission it’s a certain type of osmosis, which is shifted, transmitted from a bigger container to a smaller one.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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