The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
“For this is beauty, when you don’t take the credit for what you do, because we should always be fully convinced that it’s all His grace that allows us to do whatever we do. It’s all His grace if we are capable of doing anything. It’s His blessing. It’s His gift.”
“A Master-soul, a Master that can lead us from the human to the divine who can help us experience something that goes beyond the physical perception into the spiritual perception which is beyond body, senses and mind.”
“When we follow the Path and stick to the Master then what happens? We will become stable like a rock. Like a mountain that has no earthquakes, no hurricanes, no winds, nothing can move. So, that’s what we want to become in life. Somebody who knows what’s the purpose of life and actualizes it in her/his life.”
“If you take initiation from a Master and follow the teachings as they are given to us, then you will be able to inhold and welcome the Divine presence, which can be very powerful and shocking. But if we do it according to the teachings, then we will be able to welcome it harmoniously, and what will generate inside of us, will be bliss, intoxication, and ecstasy. And that is the juice of the Path and the practice. Coming to a state of bliss, joy, intoxication and ecstasy. If we have this, we have had everything. Because that is where the practice wants to take us, to a state of Divine intoxication and Divine ecstasy.”
“People ask why you need a Master. The Master is the lighthouse that enlightens the Path and allows us to treat it. He gives light to the Path and helps us to treat it without running into risks. Therefore, this is the role of the Master, showing the Path and helping us follow it.”
“Look before anything for God and then all the rest will be given to you.”
“If you sincerely look for God above anything else then God will give us all what we need.”
The role of the Master is to keep waking us up. Again and again. It’s an endless process. What happens when we associate with the Master? We keep falling asleep, and He keeps waking us up. And He says: “Go on, you have to keep going. You have to keep moving on. Don’t stop, never stop!”
“This is what the Master does. He wakes us up and keeps waking us up. Because, that’s how it goes. We keep falling a sleep and the Master keeps waking us up.”
“Who is the true friend; who is the true relative; who is the true love of our life? It’s the Master, because He will be with us when we go beyond. He will be there and guide us. He’s our Ishta-deva, He’s our God and will guide us. God will appear to us in that form and He will guide us into the beyond. God will appear to us in the form of our Master and will guide us towards the fusion with the absolute, with the Supreme Truth – Sach Khand.”
“We don’t go to the sea, or the ocean and pretend that the surface is all there is. An intelligent person understands that the surface is just the very beginning of the enormous reality of the ocean. Down in the depths of the ocean there is so much life and beauty; there are so many mysteries and hidden secrets. So that’s life. Life is an ocean, we have to dive deep into it and find the pearl of beauty.”
“God is within us, outside of us, but He comes whenever He wants! Because He has full control over each one of us. We don’t have the capacity to attract God into our experience. None of us! He is too big. He is too huge. It’s only by His deliberate will that it may happen. So, when this Supreme Being decides that this person now is going to be blessed then it happens. We don’t know why it happens, but there is a program, a plan and a reason why and with whosoever it happens. Why with one yes and the other one no? Or why with one yes and so many no? Who can say it? So, whenever God wants to take work from somebody to improve the condition of this world or few or many people then it descends into the life and experience of a person. So, when God decides and chooses a person, He gives to this person a very special and powerful experience and this person becomes a channel for other people. He acquires the capacity to transmit it to others. It has always been like this and always like this it will be!”
“Every life has a direction that works on the specific characteristics of our personality. Now we are all at different stages of our evolution, consequently according to the evolutionary level that we are at, we need to go through different kinds of experiences. That’s why we come into this world and find ourselves in situations where we are compelled to act in a certain direction, in a certain way.”
“We perform our spiritual practice to learn how to fly out of this body. We are like a bird closed into a cage. Therefore, we can’t imagine how it is to fly out of this cage of the body and experience the freedom of infinite space. Even this idea makes us scared because we are so used to being caged. Nonetheless, it’s a possibility for all of us to get out of this cage and experience a condition of an expanded cosmic consciousness. So, even once in our life, we are given this blessing of getting out of this body that will leave an impression in our consciousness, which we will never forget.”
“What is God? Everything that contained in this universe is God. And we are part of this consciousness. Therefore we are God also. So, God cannot exist outside of us. And we cannot exist outside of Him. In reality, this multiplicity is an illusion. We are all One, and we are all the One! We have to convince ourselves deeply that we are not this limited ego or person. We are part of, and we are the One. So, it’s very good to think wisely, to think what Truth is.”
“To understand that there is an intelligence, there is a Being, which is so much above us and that governs and rules everything, it’s wisdom. To understand that we are so small, so tiny, so nothing, it’s wisdom.”
“We human beings are quite convinced that we choose our life, we choose the course of our life, that we are the doers. There is so much talking about free will, no free will. Some are quite convinced that there is free will, and there are those who are convinced there is no free will. The truth is always between things. Sant Ji used to say: “If you look at the world and the life from this point of view, from down here then it seems like we have a free will that we choose, we decide. But if we withdraw from this physical consciousness and we rise above and we reach Sach Khand then from there we see that we have no free will whatsoever.” If you consider that there is no time that whatever was before and whatever is going to be it’s only a right now, then where there is any free will? It’s already happened, everything. So, from this condition, our level of consciousness seems that we can decide and choose things. So, from this condition, our level of consciousness seems that we can decide and choose things. And this illusion is left to us because it’s needed! It is needed because we need to choose to have this illusion that we choose to do certain experiences. After all, we need to grow through these experiences and learn a lesson. And by and by we acquire a certain wisdom by which our decisions, yes or no about any event of life will improve, will become wise, and more accurate.”
“We may have a peaceful mind and an agitated mind, full of worries, anxieties, fears. By it’s nature, the mind won’t get to peace, the mind likes worries, anxieties, fears. So, we have to make an effort in order to bring peace into our within. Therefore we have to direct our attention towards something that bring peace, love, well-being. So, if we direct our attention towards the thing we love, the Divine Being, which is beauty, love, peace, bliss then that’s the way of counteracting the action of the mind.”
“In Sach Khand there is no me nor you, there is no devotee, and there is no Beloved. There is only the One. A vast ocean of resplendent Light, that’s where we aim to, that’s where we want to go. The total freedom of the liberated souls. The freedom of being here, there and everywhere simultaneously. The feel of being above time and space. The freedom of being an individual I, but becoming a universal I or a cosmic I. So, where are we aiming to? Just to this, that’s where we are aiming to. So, every meditation sitting we do it is a brick that we add to this temple of the Supreme that we want to build for ourselves. And if we continue adding bricks like this then very high we will go. And this is where we will go when we leave this world, but we want to experience this before we leave this world. So, that this life also, in this physical body and in this physical world we will be saturated with His presence, so that we have a better quality life.”
“Strong determination is needed for a seeker after Truth to reach the vastity of Beyond Space, which is our kingdom, heredity and birthright. Just as the children of parents inherit the belonging of the parents in the same way, all humanity who are children of the same Supreme Being have the right to inherit this kingdom, the jewel of Divinity. It’s in our potential. We can do it, so let’s do it! We should not be happy just with an ordinary life. We should want an extraordinary life. And an extraordinary life is the life in which the Divine comes into play.”