Quotes Collection

The following section contains the collected quotes from Satguru Sirio Ji and earlier Masters of Surat Shabd Yoga.
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“We enter the temple of silence to experience bliss. And we pray, we beg the Supreme Being to give us His Darshan. So, that we may experience this ecstasy and intoxication, to get rid of all the pains and troubles, all the sufferings of life. And then by His grace, we may go to the temple of Samadhi where we merge with the Supreme Reality. So, that will be left no difference between us and Him. So, that we might finally go back to our origin, to the spring of Life and live that ineffable condition.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“This is the society nowadays. It’s not in our culture to be committed to something. It’s the society of ‘use and throw-away’. It’s the culture of nowadays, which is not a culture, it’s just the opposite.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What does the true seeker of Truth do? He/She will wake up every morning at sunrise and will sing the songs and praises of Satguru and then sit down in meditation. So, that’s the sign of a real devotee, a real seeker of Truth. In the morning we shake off His/Her laziness. With determination, we get up, get ready, and then sing the songs and praises of God and sit peacefully in meditation. Then one can face life with a better attitude. More calm, peaceful, and detached from events. The thing is if you do this the challenges of life will be less sharp, and less harmful because we will create around ourselves a kind of protective field that we keep away negative influences and negative and painful events. Therefore, this should be the lifestyle of a Satsangi. As we feed our body, the same way we feed our soul and our spirit. And the food for the soul is Light. And this is what we come in touch with more or less when we sit in meditation. Even if we don’t have great experiences, anyway we relax the nervous system, we quite down the thinking process. And we pray to the Absolute, to bless our lives and bless the life of the world, bless everybody.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“We human beings need something to give sense, value, and pleasure to our life. So, in the absence of something great, something superior, something Divine, then we become addicted and dependent on so many outer factors and substances. They make us slaves. They make us depend on something to live. But spiritual Masters try to give us something which gives us inner pleasure, an inner fulfillment by which we can detach ourselves from all these outer addictions. That’s why the Masters, when we ask for Initiation, when we want to come on the Path, then they give us a certain lifestyle to follow and live up to. Because they want us to be free from any dependence, from any addiction. And through Initiation, they give us a blessing so that we may have something to rely upon. They give us an inner bliss, an inner pleasure, which is superior to those of the senses. But then we have to practice to keep alive this first-hand experience, which we are giving at Initiation. So, the meditation on the Light and Sound makes us aware that real freedom is freedom from any addiction. When we can find everything we need inside of ourselves, that’s freedom! So, that’s why we come on the Path to becoming free people. Free from any addition, free from any dependence, free from any slavery. People who are complete in themselves. Fulfilled in themselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The play of life, it’s all about being present or being absent. When we are absent, because of our mind dragging us here and there, then it’s like we are not living the actual life, the living present. We are always somewhere else. In fantasies. And that’s no life. That’s the shadow of life. When we are present, focused on the living present then we are alive. And our perception of life becomes intense. It magnifies. So, a spiritual person should always try to be present in the living moment. That should be our constant effort. Not to be dragged away by the mind in thoughts and be present, well-concentrated on what we are doing.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The life without God is useless. Because the difference between the life of a person deprived of God’s awareness and the life of a person that has this Divine perception there is such a huge difference. A person who doesn’t have any awareness of the Divine lives an aimless life without any direction, without any purpose. And a person who is in tune with God lives a fulfilling, joyful, happy, and blissful life. So, any intelligent human person should try to experience in His / Her life something that transcends physical, sensory perception, and mental activity. Should try to raise above all of these and experience something sublime, is Divine, of a Superior Quality.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Once you start in your quest for Truth, you never stop. Keep going, because that is the way to reach your destination. And we have to travel within ourselves. Trying to discover and come to know everything that we are. So, we have to analyze ourselves. Am I this body? No, because this body belongs to me. I’m not this body. Am I this mind, these thoughts? No, I’m not because they come to me. I’m not them. Am I this sensory perception that I have? No, I’m not because I use the senses. I’m not the senses. So, who am I? I am consciousness. I am a conscious being. A drop of the ocean of all consciousness. So, we want to return to our origin, which is the ocean of all consciousness. And we never find peace until we reach there. That is our destiny.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The spiritual Path is a Path of total dedication, total giving of oneself without reserves. Then, we may experience the totality of the Path. Otherwise, according to how much we give to it, that much we get. According to the percentage we dedicate to the Path, according to how intensely we take it, that’s what we get. Because this is the law of karma, give and take. Cause and effect. Wanting and having.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“On the mystic Path, if you want to be successful, if you want to experience something great and sublime, we have to live it with all of our being. We have to dedicate all of our energies, love, devotion, and service to it. Only this way it works. And we get the immense benefit that it may offer. And according to the intensity by which we live, the Path we get the benefit. So, if you want a complete transformation, we have to have a complete dedication.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“For His grace to descend upon us we have to be fully available and fully present. Spiritual practice, spiritual experience it’s all a matter of attention, sharp attention. This allows us to be receptive to the all-pervading power of God. If we perceive this Holy Presence, then meditation is very easy and enjoyable, then we can go within. If we don’t, then we have to struggle with our mind, which is also ever-present. So, let’s keep our attention sharp, focused, concentrated.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In Sach Khand, there is no me nor you, there is no devotee, there is no Beloved. There is only the One! The vast ocean of resplendent light.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“To reach the best, most divine side of yourself, you also need to experience the dark side of yourself. Those are two sides of one coin. You have to know who you are, in all possible ways. The best and the worst. And if you got to the worst you will get to the best. And if you get to the best, you have experienced the worst.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The doctor doesn’t come to those who are fine, without any problems, healthy. The doctor comes to those who are sick. The Master is also there for those who are somehow troubled, not for those who are fine.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What are we? Are we made out of ice cream that we melt with nothing? A person should have some strength. You should not be influenced by others, you need to have the strength to influence others.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The spiritual experience is a very subjective something. For those who feel the need for it and experience it for them, it’s a very tangible, very felt, and very real experience. For those who don’t feel it, for them, it’s not existent. Master Kirpal used to say “Blessed is the day when this need for self-realization enters into your life. That’s the most important and blessed day of your existence. All the other days were just common days.” Those who have had this awakening, those in whom this urge to realize oneself as a Divine Being has entered are very lucky. And they should understand how precious a gift this is. And they should pursue it through their all life.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“What happens when you get a blessing from a blessed Master? It happens that then your life has to change by any means. If you get the blessing, you cannot be the same anymore. And this of course means a lot. When you get out from the human society and the trends, what usually human beings understand as important and valid. And your life shows that no, it’s not like that, it’s different. What is important is something else. You show it through your life. Then you are not liked by people. Because people do not want to change. People want to stay the same and do not want to face themselves.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Why the blessing comes, or why the blessing doesn’t come nobody can say. It is just the will of the Supreme. But we have to keep exposing ourselves to situations where these may happen.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“The meditation of the Master is so important. Because it is through His meditation that He has become what He has become. And it is because He has become what He has become that He is able to transform the lives of others. To transmit to others what is already inside of Him.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“Falling in love totally with God and Satguru. That is the only way to become Him! And this doesn’t mean that we lose our identity, our peculiar personality. No, we make it perfect. We make it complete. We make it from an ordinary human into an extraordinary Divine person.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji

“In the spiritual Path, we have to go beyond the ordinary. We have to come into that inner condition by which we live a lifestyle, which is beyond any understanding of ordinary people.”

— Satguru Sirio Ji
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